Tuesday, July 31, 2007
1st of August
Tomorrow is the national day of Switzerland. And this is what they celebrate according to the CIA World factbook:
"The Swiss Confederation was founded in 1291 as a defensive alliance among three cantons." Basically that Switzerland exists.
Ah well, when you don't have independence or something else to celebrate, I guess this is as good a reason as any.
Tomorrow you'll find me in ze Swiss mountains...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Just a Monday in Zürich
So after being busy the whole day I ended up in http://www.bauschaenzli.ch/de/index.html with some acquaintances. As you do.
When we broke up, all of us going home, I decided to just pop into "my" place to say hello. Just to be polite you know. Hmmm.
After seeing this old guy with a grey beard, playing on bottles in sync with the music, I thought that was the highlight of the evening. Until these two guys walked in.
They turned out to be Swiss, on their way to Dublin. Only flight was 9 in the morning, and they were intent on partying until then. The reason they were going to Dublin was the "world championship of bicycle messaging". You know the people who delivers important letters/packages/etc from one place to another in record time. They were from Basel.
To be honest with you I didn't even know there was such a championship. Much less that it was in Dublin. But the fact that one of the guys showed me 1. his tan line on legs and arms and 2. more importantly let me feel his leg. It was pure muscle. I caved in and believed them.
Plus they were fun. Singing along, ordering 1l beers, having a good time. And when I said I was leaving, they were kneeling, begging me not to. I tell ya, these guys got the message :)...so to speak. Or delivering...
Also, they were taking lotsa pics. If I end up on the front page of the Dublin news, you know why...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Just now it feels like the weeks are swishing by so fast I hardly have time to catch up. Checked the tv program for today and saw that Dr House is on this evening. Felt like it was yesterday I was sitting here watching it last time. It was a week ago.
And Wednesday it is 1st of August. Which is not so bad coming to think of it. A day off since it's the Swiss national day.
Yesterday the ex and I went to the boat, since he promised to do some minor repairs. The idea was to take it out for a cruise after. Didn't happen for two reasons. First of all he didn't have all the tools with him (men and planning, I tell you!). Second, for some reason Zurich city decided it was a good idea to place a big fat construction platform next to the bridge, so that I now have very little space to turn when taking the boat out.
I kinda think they should've sent me a letter informing me of this, and exactly how long it's going to go on. If I now would take the boat out, I would have to reverse out into the river. A tricky manoeuvre to say the least.
Yesterday I got a weird phone call. All in German, so not sure I got it right. But it was somebody who asked if I was Annika. Couldn't deny that. And then he ranted on about the computer I had either bought or left with them. They now wanted to give it back. Of course I said I didn't understand what he was talking about, and he said something like "don't make a fuss, just take it". That's when I hung up.
Somehow I don't think it was a free computer...and I feel uneasy when I'm alone at home with weirdos like this who know my name. Ok, so I'm in the phone book but still...
Hotel tv
Last Friday my guests who were staying in a hotel talked about the tv channels available here in Europe. They were both a little shocked, but at the same time thrilled.
So the guys were discussing this in low voices, but of course being overheard by the woman guest. "Oh", she said, "you mean channel 26"? A second of silence, before everybody burst out laughing. So much for thinking porn is a man thing :)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Or if you must know, hungover. It was a really nice evening yesterday. Lotsa laughs, lotsa fun. But everything has a price, and today I'm paying for it big time.
In two hours I'm being picked up to go on the lake. Think I will sleep a little first...
Friday, July 27, 2007
Friday dinner
Ok, so home now with the last of the shopping. Will tell you about the delights later. Should really be changing and starting in the kitchen, instead sitting in front of the computer. But I need to relax and cool down a bit, really hot today.
Hoping for a nice evening, and if I know these guests I think they won't stay too late, so downtown, here I come. Later :)
M is on his way
Hi J, I sent M on his way to you. Please take good care of him. And make sure your toilet is clean, he has a bit of an obsessive-compulsive disorder when it comes to this issue :)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Not enough time
Sometimes I wish there were more hours in the day. Been running around like crazy the whole day, and then doing the shopping in the evening before coming home.
Now I've deposited empty bottles (still a couple of bags to go, tomorrows problem) in the glass bank, watered my plants, eaten a little, run a dishwasher machine, cooked one of the dishes for tomorrow and prepared a sauce. Started to set the table. I probably won't have more than max 1,5 hour at home tomorrow before the guests come.
Feel like just sitting down now with a glass of wine and watch some mindless tv. Only, there is so little to choose from in English, and I can't be bothered with a whole movie.
And I have yet to monitor the dish in the oven. Ah well. Tomorrow's another day...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Fucking Austria II
Was reading an article on Hollywood body fixation. This is not exactly a new subject, but something that most of us laugh at. Or get fascinated by. Equal doses, I guess.
What struck me when looking at this pic was how men are allowed to regress whereas women are supposed to look forever young.
If I'm not mistaken Oprah is 50+, Charlize 30+ and George 50-. And yet George is allowed to look like he should carry around an iron, while Oprah and Charlize look like they have baby-skin.
What is not right in this equation?
Toilet seat II
So when I got home tonight the new toilet seat was installed. In the right place mind you and not as John suggested "over the kitchen sink" :).
Was funny though to place butt on new and undiscovered territory. Felt like my butt had grown overnight, but think it was seat that was smaller. Or so I hope.
And like I suggested yesterday already in IKEA "are you sure it's the right size?" This was when M told me that "here in Germany and Switzerland there are standards. They always match". Right.
Because I'd like to keep the pleasantness in the household I chose not to argue. I will happily place my butt several times a day on a toilet seat that moves around :)
Fucking Austria
Excuse me for being bald but this is actually a place. Check this you-tube out:
Well, since I didn't get out yesterday, my usual going-out-in-the-week-day due to bloody IKEA, I kinda thought to do it this evening.
This is when great-minds-think-alike come into play. This afternoon I got an sms "How is it goin? Know its short notice but do u fancy a quick drink after work 2nite? Cld leave early & b @ HB ZH 7pm."
HA! When you need it the most something will turn up. So we met. Excellent. And this is the woman who is more difficult to get a date with than the pope himself.
Had a meal, a catch-up talk and some drinks. All you need really to keep friendship going. A bit of an effort, and a willingness. Easy-peasy.
So now we're up to date, and don't need to meet anytime soon :)...ok, so I don't mean that. We're always having fun. A good friendgirl.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Toilet seat
Guess who bought this at IKEA? A hint. It wasn't me.
Then we (finally) get home and M asks: "where shall I put the toilet seat?". HAHAHA!
Yes where indeed. On the sofa? In the kitchen? Here's a short quiz. Where would you put it?
I say only one thing to the title. IKEA. Why is it that I keep on forgetting how exhausting it is to go there? Left from the city at 6 pm and only home now. A real time-eater is what it is.
Anyway, first I had agreed to take a train from the city and M would hop on at a later station. Only I also agreed to take two Americans with me (exactly why they would travel oversees, only to go to IKEA is beyond me, but never mind). The two Americans turned out to be not so skilled in logistics, so we ended up running for the train. The Swiss didn't exactly help by putting our train on the track far beyond the station (track 53, avoid avoid!).
Eventually we managed to hook up with M. But of course all three of them wanted to tour the whole mall. 4 floors and lotsa lotsa things as usual. Even though Tuesdays are supposedly one of the best days (less visitors) I thought there were more than enough people. The whole restaurant was full too, but as compliant people we queued up and got our meatballs (not even in the neighbourhood of my homemade ones from yesterday!).
Finally I got to the food shop, which was the only place I wanted to go to in the first place! So all ended well. I now have in the fridge what I need for Friday. What I didn't need was the agony to get it...
Monday, July 23, 2007
My favourite dessert
Anyway, this is one pic they cannot object to. The dessert.
Comes from another place than Sprüngli, but I couldn't work out from exactly where. It only said "kleiner, feiner" on the bag it came in, which means small and fine. Ah well, it was delish.
Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Coming Friday I am planning a dinner with Scandinavian influence, which means that I have to prepare. There is IKEA on the agenda tomorrow (pls M, don't be sick! I have no time for cancellations again...yes M is in bed feeling shite) for supplies.
However, already this evening I will make meatballs out of 2,250 g of minced meat. That's a lot of rollin' people...
More from Saturday
Yes, we did indeed have a nice time last Saturday. Even though one of my friends wrote "superficial" in my guest book. But I think she meant that even if the food and drink were delicious, the important thing was to meet. At least that's how I have chosen to interpret it :)
Then after midnight it was of course time to go out. My friends kinda heckle me saying I'm not flexible, since I always want to go to the same place. Nobody listens when I say I tried other places, but I never have as fun there. It's like talking to the hand.
So of course we ended up in another bar. How BORING! Yes, I know that my friends were there, and they are certainly not boring but still. I wanted fun. I wanted music. I wanted to laugh at other people (which often happens in "my" place for some reason :).
Eventually they caught my irritation (was I subtle?? HAHA) and we went there. And guess what? They were all enjoying it. Why couldn't they just have listened to me in the first place?
Recipe on request
Delish fish dish
White fish filets - can be any type of fish really, I usually buy what looks best and/or is on sale
Caviar - best buy at IKEA, black or red in glass jars, but an alternative can be found at Migros
Mascarpone - Italian soft cheese
Milk and/or cream - I used only full fat milk
Olive oil
Fresh dill and tomatoes
Put olive oil in the bottom of a bowl/pan. Lightly salt the fish on both sides.
Then you have two options:
1. Put a slice of tomato and dill on each fish filet and roll it. Place in pan.
2. Put all the fish on the bottom of the pan, spread the dill and tomato slices on top.
This is depending on how thick the fish filets are.
Put the mascarpone, caviar and milk/cream in a pot and heat it up, so that all of it melts nicely together.
Pour the heated sauce mix over the fish. Spread the shrimps on top, and make sure they are covered by the sauce, as to not burn in the oven.
Place in oven, around 175-200°, for approx 30-40 min.
Serve with boiled potatoes (I cooked them with sea salt and dill) and a side salad.
So at Saturdays dinner my plan was to serve the very good wine with dinner, and then switch to the house wine. But I changed my mind and put another bottle in the freezer during dinner, since my friends not actually say no to another glass :)
And yes of course I forgot the bottle there. After grappa and more wine, it was actually easy to do so. Only to remember in the morning. Ah shit!
Was lucky though. The cork had popped by itself, and the wine was frozen in the bottle, but no explosion. Phew!
Naturally I have defrosted the wine, intending to drink it later...wine should never ever be wasted!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
This is what I learned tonight. Well, one of many things actually but one that I thought was funny enough to share with you.
So if you ever fly to Queensland you have to expect the following message: "This is your captain. We are flying on an altitude of 10,000 meters, the weather is sunny and 25°C. We are about to land in Queensland. Please fasten your seatbelt and turn your watch 1 hour and 15 years back.".
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Where is the man when I need him?
The man in this household has chosen to desert me over the weekend. Which meant that I had to go shopping all on my own. It is heavy to carry when one has tiny, fragile arms as myself.
Well, now it's done and hopefully it'll be a nice dinner tonight. Despite the evening being Aussie-influenced (50% of the guests) I will serve fish. On request actually. Last time we had the same, but it was such a long time ago, and they asked for it. So fish it'll be. With mascarpone, caviar and lotsa goody things in it. Yum!
And wine of course. A starter. And fun people. There is a tiny risk that we'll go out later...;)
9 am
This is what I would like to do to the person who rang my door at 9 am Saturday morning:
* Hang upside down over an open fire
* Hold head under water for 5 minutes
* Hold finger between door and frame and then slam the door closed with finger between
NEVER EVER ring my door at the crack of dawn on a weekend! Just so that you know...
Friday, July 20, 2007
Plan vs outcome
So the plan was to go out tonight. Ain't happening. Adapting to the circumstances I guess. Or just being too tired after a long day, some drinks and a long talk with a friendgirl. Whatever.
If you're looking for some juicy details for my night out, I guess you're in for a wait...at least until tomorrow :)
Finally I managed to find a person who was willing to speak German with me. Without switching to English all the time. After not having used my German for like half a year in a consistent manner, it actually worked fine. Well sorta, but I understand and I can respond. Guess it's called having a conversation. Yes, it takes more effort but after a while you get into it. And I feel good about it.
And it does help if people help you out, like when you're looking for a word they try to accommodate you and explain rather than switching to English. Sometimes language is more important than communication I guess. At least if you're trying to learn...
The fastest tongue in Switzerland
This surprising topic came from a discussion tonight with a friendgirl. We were discussing one-nighters and she told me about one of her experiences. And mind you, this wasn't her epithet on the guy, it was how he described himself.
I guess that should've told her...and accordingly he didn't rate very high on her scale.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Stating the bleedin' obvious
Despite it being 28,3°C (82,94°F) indoors I decided I needed to iron. So did. M told me he would do his daily shirt in the morning. On the question why he doesn't do it all in one go, I really didn't get a good answer. So I discovered a weakness with M :)...good to know.
So offered to do his one shirt, while I was doing mine anyway. At which time I stated the bleedin' obvious: "Your shirt is much bigger than mine". Equals more to iron of course I meant. Know what he said? "Well, you have tits".
Yes I do as a matter of fact, but no way are they as big in size as his shirts!!
I love technology
Like I said before I still get surprised sometimes as to how much technology can do.
Picture this. I wasn't at my phone when it rang (fixed line) so the person who called left a voice mail. I got an email saying "you've got a voice mail, would you like to listen to it now?". Yes of course I did. So clicked on the link in the email and got to hear the voice mail on my computer. How cool is that?
Answer: verrrryyyy cool.
Nice cozy dinners
Before M moved in we talked a lot about having nice cozy dinners, and relax together in the evenings. HAHAHAHA! There are days when we do not even meet. I come, he goes, I go, he comes etc. Ships in the night, that sort of thing.
But tonight we actually managed to have microwaved left-overs together. Nice.
Suppose it's a good thing. At least we don't get a chance to nag each other to death...
Funnily enough I had two things that broke on the boat just after the renovation. Which btw I paid handsomely for. One was the ladder in the back, where a screw is missing so you cannot really unfold the ladder if you want to climb into the water.
Also, the light they were asked to fix, broke the first day after I got the boat back. Hmmm. And I have paid the bill already.
It is indeed a good thing that I have friends who are skilled in all sorts of things...
Is the comment function on this blog not working? I know I had one friend who complained about it, but since I haven't had any comments lately I was wondering if it's a problem for all.
Or are you guys just shy :) ??
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Have a friend who turned 40 the other day, and I sent him a congratulation sms to welcome him in the 40+ club.
He responded (translated) "Yes, now I'm part of the 40+ club too. Shit. But it doesn't matter, because you're there too and you're doing really well and are also looking good".
What can I say? Flattery can take you everywhere...
You made your bed
Oh dear, the airline Swiss is not doing too well on the bed topic:
http://edition.cnn.com/TRAVEL/blogs/richard.quest/index.html (July 17)
Ok, so my carefully planned calendar is now officially screwed up. Today's date with boat repair ex is pushed to tomorrow. Tomorrow's IKEA visit is postponed indefinitely due to the drivers sickness. And finally, the gourmet dinner on Friday is pushed forward, this due to the guy having mixed up the weeks.
However, I must say I'm pretty happy to be able to enjoy an evening at home. Leftover spaghetti and meatsauce and hopefully some Häagen-Dazs left.
Think even M is away overnight...so an evening in solitude. I probably need it!
Love-hate relationship
If you know me you know that I have a love-hate relationship with the ex. Spoke to him on Sunday, arranging the boat-repairing thing. Since I know how unreliable he is, I sent an sms this afternoon confirming the time to meet tomorrow. No answer. For 6 hours.
Again, if you know me, you know that communication is key for me. But since I kinda like him, I caved in and phoned him this evening. His answer? "Of course, we agreed on Sunday". Yeah, right. If I hadn't phoned him he wouldn't have appeared tomorrow. Which by the way is still an open question.
So tomorrow we'll meet in Booschänzli (http://www.bauschaenzli.ch/de/index.html), so that I at least can have a drink while waiting...
Street parade
Funny, I just communicated with a German friend who's coming to visit. It just so turns out that it happens to be during the street parade...
Bet she didn't plan to see about a million people on the streets of Zürich...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Quick poll
Read in one of the newspapers about feelings. Women were asked to comment on whether they speak about feelings a lot. 61% said yes. At the same time men were asked whether they thought that women speak too much about feelings. 70% said yes.
HAHAHA! Ain't that the truth!
Funnily enough I find that men can speak about feelings, but only with women and only one-on-one. Never in a group, and never with other men. Am I right or am I right?
Tuesday night out
Ok, so it's time for my usual going out on Tuesdays. Today I'm meeting up with a friend just for drinks. He will share some exciting news with me...well, perhaps not so exciting since I already know but nevertheless am curious to hear more.
Besides, it's 29°C and a lovely evening. A drink by the river at an outdoor bar is never ever wrong!
Sex toys
According to the paper version of 20 min today about 100 restaurants and bars in Zürich has installed vending machines in the toilets where you can buy sex toys. !!!
Now why exactly you would like to buy a penis ring or a mini-vibrator (why mini??) when being out and about in town, is beyond me. Or am I just naive??
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sleeping with wolf
Not exactly, but last night I fell asleep about midnight, only to wake up about 1 o'clock in a pool of sweat. Since I'm currently expelled to the sofa, I did have the balcony door open but it didn't help. And my sheep skin from NZ had fallen down from its prominent place on the top of the sofa. HOT.
So I took a management decision to take off my top. After all, the chances that a straight man would walk into my living room in the middle of the night were pretty slim. Unfortunately :)
Considering that it is 29.7°C (85,46°F) right now in the living room, there will be striptease soon...
So now I just wonder where all the straight men are...
I have a friend who spends some time in a health clinic, and I wanted to call him. He had sms'd me his phone number, so I called. Only to come to the reception of some kind, where the woman didn't speak anything but Switzedutch. And as it turns out I didn't know my friends surname (ok, we're not that close) and I guess with some 100 people staying there, she couldn't accommodate me.
Good thing with sms. If one way of communicating doesn't work, the other one does...
35°C (95°F)
Jeez was it hot today! Even now, 8.30 pm it is still over 30°. My flowers on the balcony were real happy when I gave them a drink, as was their owner :).
Got even more funny when I heard that M had to wear a jumpsuit (!) at work today. Why? Apparently ze Germans do anything for a job...:)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Pearls before swine
While we were out enjoying the fantastic weather on the lake, M was home playing housewife. So when we got home he asked "Did you see that I cleaned the whole shower?". Hmmm. No actually, I didn't notice.
Sorry, I never said I was housewifey...but nevertheless, I appreciate the effort. Clean people - I like.
Sorry, I never said I was housewifey...but nevertheless, I appreciate the effort. Clean people - I like.

Why is it that every American claims to have heritage from some other country? Irish-American, Swedish-American, Afro-American, Spanish-American, Italian-American and so forth. Are they in fact not proud of their country? Apparently not.
But I can relate to that. I'm not very proud of my home country either. In fact, I left it...
Busy woman
That's me. Next week is more or less signed up already. Tomorrow is dinner for my friendgirl visiting from the US, I'm cooking my famous meatsauce with spaghetti. Tuesday is drinks with a friend who has some exciting news. Wednesday is meeting up with the ex because I need his help to repair the ladder on the boat. Thursday is IKEA day, I need to buy the suck-up food for the "VIP"-dinner. Friday is gourmet-dinner day and Saturday is dinner for my Aussie friends.
Sunday I think is my boat day...
Lake life
So we went on my boat today, 34° and blazing sunshine. It was HOT! And it turns out that friendgirl was not really a boat person, despite having spent a week on that yacht. Also, she doesn't take sun well, so kept her clothes on.
Personally I couldn't get enough of the water. Problem was I couldn't really swim, since I couldn't leave the boat in her somewhat uncapable hands :)
Anyway, it was nice and after a long shower I feel a bit cooler...yes, that's right...I am cool :)
Finally there is time for a cruise on my boat. Quite the opposite of the yacht my friend was on. No service, no crew, no facilities. But sunshine, water, music and a good time with good friends.
Come on guys. Wake up!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Remember I was at a gourmet restaurant back in March (http://zurilife.blogspot.com/2007/03/fantastic.html)? The same guy I went with asked if I wanna come with him to another great place.
Check this out! It might be good.
PS. We split the bill. Unfortunately...
Travelling in style
So my friend who's visiting just spent the last week on a luxurious yacht, being waited on and spoiled. Bet she will think it's quite a difference visiting me :)

According to the news there is an increasing amount of beggars in Zurich, over a 100. The increase is due to the opening of the borders for EU they say, and they warn that there are criminal gangs who organize the beggers.
It is illegal to beg, so they have introduced a penalty which is between 50-200 CHF. How practical! First the begger gets money sitting on the street, then the police stops by to collect. Perhaps they should try to address the root cause of the problem?
If you're interested in art here are some interesting pictures:
A tad late
It is so nice to meet up with friends after not having seen them for ages. Like a year or so. And it's amazing that with some people you just pick up where you left off. Easy-peasy. And tying back to previous blog item, this only applies to women for some reason (reason being communication, communication and yet more communication). Never mind.
We managed to have a drink or three together, friends being appalled over my fav place but yet wanting to go back. I knew it! Everybody says they hate the place, but all I see are smiling faces. How bad can it be?
So just home now. Later than planned. Tomorrow I have to organize for another friendgirl flying in. Doesn't matter, she knows me. All my friends are always welcome, even if I am not prepared. After all, we like to see each other, it's not the prepared flat or dinner that matters...
Friday, July 13, 2007
The Aussie has arrived
The Aussie just sms'd. She's in town and want to meet up. Great! Haven't seen her since spring last year or something when she decided to leave Switzerland and move back down under.
We met only like 1,5 years ago and have managed to stay in touch. That I can say for sure would never have happened with a male friend. Women are just better in keeping in touch.
Challenge me?
The heat is on
Even though it's Friday the 13th the summer decided to come back. Excellent! Only I was so tired this evening I fell asleep. Shame on me! Friday evening and all. Now I must wake up, change, have a drink and go out.
Tomorrow I have a guest from the big country in the west. An old friend who's coming to stay for a few nights. Will be nice.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Got a compliment today. And this time it actually meant something, since it was a woman giving it. No hidden agenda. She said she liked the colour of my top, "it looks good on you".
Funny that, that compliments from men (not that they are frequent exactly) mean less, since I always think there is a reason for it. Unless they come from gays of course. Only they are even less frequent...
Whaddayaknow? Got an answer from the Swiss Post office. To say they were sorry for giving me the wrong slip. Which I think we established in the first email. Nothing to explain why they are trying to send me around to various post offices in the outskirts of Zurich. I will answer. When I can be bothered...but this has become a game sorta. I certainly will answer...just not now.
According to some friends I need to place an ad for a GV-Partner. Since I had no clue as to what that is, I had to first establish that it means "Geschlechtsverkehrspartner" (yeah right, suck on that word and then try to pronounce it if you can...friggin German-speaking people). Anyway, it means that they think I need to get laid. Straight translation means "sex traffic partner". Whoever said ze Germans are not direct?
So, on request, I hereby look for a "Geschlechtsverkehrpartner". Any takers?
Wednesday in a blur
Ok, sorry guys. Wednesday just disappeared in a blur of coughing my lungs out and being tired of the same. In the evening I just collapsed on the sofa, watching a comfort series.
SORRY! But when I get nice comments, I do get spurred to continue...so watch this space.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tuesday evening whites
Yeah ok, for lack of blues I had to come up with another colour :)
So went out for a bit. Ran into some known ones, and had fun. It was especially fun to see my personal foot-fetishist again, I missed him. And he looked good. Or perhaps I'm just getting desperate :)...
Seriously, I was nice to see him again. But I still wonder what he was doing with that girl?
Ok, so here are my levels of grading men:
1. I'm interested, this guy is a possible maybe.
2. He shows interest.
3. And here is where it usually goes down the drain. He is tested, and he doesn't pass.
4. Go or no-go.
And you know why number 3 usually doesn't work out? Communication, communication and once again communication. Or lack thereof...
Market research
Just got a call from one of these market research people. I just don't get it. They have a foreign name on their list and they always think that everybody speaks Switzedutch. Does Annika sound like somebody who would speak a local dialect of German? I struggle enough as it is with high German (and here I'd like to insert that M is no fucking help. At all. Even when I try to speak German he answers in English!).
Anyway, back to market research person. She switched to high German and asked if I had spent one day in hospital during the last year. No. Did I know somebody who had? Yes. Could she ask some questions? How long would it take I asked. 10 min. Forget it. Do they really get people who spend time on this shit? I what could I possibly contribute that would be of any value?
Market research...bunch of shit if you ask me. You're better off going out on the street asking people directly. Or as a previous finance minister used to do: he used to watch the number of trains carrying goods around the country in order to see how business was going...not a bad idea!
Did I give you the update on my dealings with the Swiss post office? Nah, don't think I did, and if I'm wrong, just skip this one.
Anyway, I complained in an email about my running around Zurich trying to find my registered letter. They then answered to say they were sorry, but that "my" post office was an office located in the outskirts of Zurich. What? Even further away than the one they sent me to in the first place. So answered. They said they needed the registration number on the letter to investigate further. Unlucky for them I was able to dig the envelope out of the paper recycling bin. HA!
So sent them the number. That's the last I heard from them...
I'm having a friendgirl who is very difficult. I think it's easier to get an appointment with a president than to schedule a get-together with her. I mean is a wedding in Italy really an excuse for not meeting up with me? Or a weekend with the boyfriend in Ticino? Or having this-or-that dinner invitation. NO I say. People has gotta learn priorities :)
PS. That mouse thing did work!!!
3 days later...
"Blogger Status
Monday, July 09, 2007
Some users are reporting that they are unable to enter titles for their posts. We are currently investigating this problem and working on a fix. In the meantime, please try moving your mouse pointer to the top edge of the title field instead of positioning the pointer at the center of the title field, in order to select the title field and enter a title for your post."
I think the reason it took them 3 days to discover this, is that Blogger doesn't really have a helpdesk/-line. It is impossible to find out where to send questions and/or complaints. Clever way of avoiding complaints!
Lack of resources
Isn't it typical? I thought I'd swing by Coop to buy some minced meat on the way home. All they had was like 500 g. That's enough only for 23 (big) or 35 (small) meatballs, give or take :). Plan was to have a meatball-making evening, in order to prepare for a suck-up dinner I'm throwing for some "VIP's" in a coupla weeks.
Ah well, there is always tomorrow...and it wasn't urgent so couldn't be bothered to go to Migros.
Betcha though that those 23 won't last more than 2 days...unless I cunningly stick them in the freezer of course, which was the plan in the first place :)
Monday, July 09, 2007
Monday evening blues
What can be more depressing than a grey and rainy Monday evening? Ok, Monday morning. But now it's evening, and I'm tired. Will have a little nap before Desperate housewives and dinner.
Impeccable timing
Ish. So went out tonight to check out whether "naked man" had gotten his phone stolen or to check if he meant it. Turned out he actually meant it. Oh dear.
But ran into this guy I've known for years, and he seemed to want to speak. Forever. Which left little time to talk to the guy I really wanted to talk to.
Well, just as well probably. Plenty of more opportunities. Or so I hope :)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Public transportation
If you're been reading the blog religiously (and of course you have :) you know that I'm a fan of Swiss public transportation. Yesterday they again proved just how service-minded they are. The local transportation ran all thru the night without the extra 5 CHF you normally have to pay extra when taking a nightbus.
Excellent service! And I couldn't believe how packed the bus was that I came home with at about 1.30. Even though buses ran every 10 min or so. Unfuckingbelievable!
Last chance to enjoy the Fäscht tonight, which finishes off at midnight. So off I go...
Sometimes men manage to surprise even a blasé person as myself. Today I got a message from a male friend. One I've known for years, but not that intimately. "I would like to see you naked. Is that possible?".
WHAT? I thought. Where did that come from? As far as I have noticed he has never flirted with me before. I think he's cute, and years ago I tried to flirt with him, but didn't feel the vibes so let it go.
Even though the question was kinda bold I am extremely flattered. It's like I always say "flattery will get you everywhere". But not today. He's gonna have to try a bit harder first...;)
Yesterday there were people everywhere, as far as the eye could see. So I stayed in the outskirts of the party, bearing 3 years ago in mind (last Zürifäscht) when I got stuck at Bürkliplatz and couldn't move due to the crowd. Very claustrophobic indeed.
This time it was fun. Met lots of acquaintances and friends. Big stage with music, beer tents, partying partying partying. Just a bit disappointing to feel under the weather, but managed to stay until about 1.30. Was even more disappointed when I heard that the party had gone on to 7 this morning. Promise to myself: never be sick when there is a party around.
Big fish in a small pond
Realized tonight that this is me. Taking the bus down to town, to be met by a wall of people made me not wanna enter the crowd. Bearing in mind that it is around 360,000 people or something living in Zürich, it is a bit overwhelming when expected 2 million want to be part of "my place".
So I thought it's better to be a big fish in a small pond than the other way around...more tomorrow.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Gay logic
Was having a discussion with a friend today about what to wear for this evening.
Me: "Why don't you wear shorts? It's gonna be hot."
Him: "Well, I am not exactly young anymore and I could be a father of 4".
Me: "You're friggin 30 something and you only fuck guys!"
Problem gone
Some problems actually do go away if you sweep them under the carpet so to speak.
The spider was indeed removed when I woke up this morning. Thanks! Also, feel marginally better today, but not enough so had to revert to the heavy artillery again. Wine. After two glasses I feel better already. I know it's gonna be punishment tomorrow because I'm gonna drink and smoke too much (which is so not good when having a throat infection) BUT I'm gonna enjoy my evening.
It is just not possible to stay in when it's like 30°C and sunshine outside, and the whole city is hopping. But first I'm gonna shower, I stink...
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
M has certainly changed in the last month.
A month ago: "I'm so lonely". "I have no friends here". "I'm gonna stay home a lot, I don't like to go out on my own". "I'm so happy I know you and A".
Today: I hardly see him, and neither does A. It's going out here, going out there. Think he was home at about 1 last night. Out again this afternoon. Home quickly to say that two friends will come and pick him up in 20 min. Gee! Nice of him to tell since I was still in my pyjamas.
And here was I thinking that I had to intervene and get him out of the house, introducing him to my friends and in general take care of him. Little did I know!
Good for you M. And good for me to know that there is a little party animal living inside you after all :)
Friday, July 06, 2007
Insect alert
Mega-big spider on kitchen ceiling! And I'm alone at home. Solution: close the kitchen door, place a message on it and hope that somebody else will deal with the problem.
Here is the first day of Zurifäscht and I still feel like crap. Coughed thru the night and now I just wanna lie on the sofa, watching a movie.
I sincerely hope I'll feel better tomorrow...
PS. Made a surprise dinner for M, only he's not yet home. Silly me.
PPS. You're welcome to feel sorry for me :)
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Class project gone wrong
An elementary school class started a class project to make planters to take home to their parents. They wanted to have a plant in it that was easy to take care of, so they decided to use cactus plants. The students were given green-ware pottery planters in the shape of clowns which they painted with glaze. The clown planters were professionally fired at a class outing so they could see the process. It was great fun! They planted cactus seeds in the finished planters and they grew nicely, but unfortunately, the children were not allowed to take them home. The cactus plants were removed and small ivy replaced them and the children were then allowed to take them home instead. The teacher said cactus seemed like a good idea at the time!


Yesterday evening I went to bed in a pyjama, a sweater covered by a sheet and a blanket but still freezing. Woke up at 3 in the morning, swimming in a pool of sweat. Charming, isn't it?
This morning it was one of these days when I never wanted to leave my bed...ok, so that's like most mornings...but today was worse. Until I heard from the horses mouth himself that he got home 2.30 last night. Then I thought about how M must be feeling, which immediately made me feel better :)
I am so worried that I won't feel up to go to Zurifäscht tomorrow, so tonight will stay in, watch a movie or two and eat icecream.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Long day
It's been a very long day, just got home, feeling like a sack of shit. Whatever type of flu my friend had, he's given to me. Gee, thanks. You know hurting when you touch the skin, coughing so that it hurts, no real appetite but trying to eat anyway. Not even cigarettes taste very good, even though it doesn't stop me from smoking...
Anyway, nice and quiet at home. M is away on another one of his parties :). Off to bed.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Since I mentioned this sexist guy, I thought I'd wikipedia him. He really has some cool quotes:
There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.
Perfectionism spells paralysis.
Personally, I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.
If you are going through hell, keep going.
Perhaps it is better to be irresponsible and right, than to be responsible and wrong.
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Well, see for yourselves. He had a lot of ideas to share.
The devil wears Prada
Or so I'm told. Am reading the book now, and have trouble identifying I must say. Ok, so my friends would now insert "yes, we know" but still. Why do people put up with shit like that?
First of all, fashion. Fashion is nice. On other people. I personally don't care. Yes, I agree it's nice to feel good in what you wear, but I don't care if it's Dolce Gabbana or H&M. And why bother? I am still the same person. Which is clearly shown when I do my hair. I cut it, I blond it and try to look better and all I hear (if I hear anything) is from M last Saturday when we met up after my hair appointment to go shopping: "why is your hair wet?".
Well, I tell you why. Why bother spending money on a nice hair-do when people don't even notice?
Second, why put up with shit? Ok, so I can eat shit sometimes (so to speak) but only if I know it's gonna buy me favours in the future. I don't mind grovelling (actually did it today) in order to improve a relationship and give me some leeway next week. Or next month. Or next whatever. And only if it's a small thing.
Remember, don't fight the battles you cannot win. Personally I like to lose the battles, but win the war :)...was it Churchill who said that?
Ok, so ze Swiss are not very online. Googled Zurifäscht (which is how ze Swiss refer to the coming weekends party and found the latest hit 2004). They do like to party, but they do not know how to market it. Not that they need to mind you, since everybody who is somebody is here anyway :).
Did I tell you when they opened the borders for all EU citizens on 1st of June, 10,000 people came into Switzerland in one day. Apparently.
So the weekend 6-8 July Zürich will be hopping. Again. The city center will be closed, and there will be beer tents, music, parades, fireworks, the usual thing. For 3 days. I just hope I will still be awake by then with whatsit going on.
But I do look forward...
Funny tonight. It was raining as hell, and I was thinking to perhaps take a taxi home. Contemplated the value for money. Cost equalled 2,5 lattes in Starbucks. 2 (small) glasses of good wine. 3 beers, a cheapo lunch etc etc.
Caught myself being a real cheapo. When I lived in Oslo (capital of Norway for the Americans :) I was known for spending. Was told that when I left 2 bartenders and 3 taxi drivers were made redundant. Why am I all of a sudden thinking about cost?
Guess it's because public transportation is so convenient, so it feels like luxury to splash out on a taxi. Even though it's only 15 CHF with tips from the city center to my place.
And tonights taxi driver was unfriendly and tried to cheat me on the bill. Fee was 13,40, I said 15, he gave me 2,50 back on a 20. I don't think so. And yes, I know that Americans will find this cheap but this is Switzerland. We like service first, and then tip. Not the other way around.
Kitchen cupboard
Doors to be exact. I don't know, but here in Switzerland I have lived with the ex-boyfriend, the ex-flatmate and now the current flatmate. All men. And none of them are able to close kitchen cupboard doors. Why is that exactly?
It's not that I mind, I kinda gotten used to walking into the kitchen closing all doors before I even think about what I'm doing in the kitchen.
Is it a genetic thing? And why does it always happen in the kitchen? Ok, so maybe the guest room is full of open doors, I wouldn't know since I'm not going in there but still...
One of these mysteries in life. Wonder if any university student has done a study on this?
Got an email this afternoon (and yes, I do get more than one). I've been summoned. To my usual place. See? I don't party as much as I used to, so now they even have to email me to remind me that it's Tuesday and going-out-in-the-middle-of-the-week-day and that I'm expected. Cool!
Since I am a very compliant (HAHAHAHAHA!) person, I will do my duty and go out.
On demand
I have an acquaintance who has written a book. He’s very excited about it, and so he should be. It's about to be published. Frankly, I’m a bit jealous. I just blog. For free :).
Anyway, he told me that these days you do not have to print a lot of copies, store them and hope to sell them. In Amazon you place the order, they print (!) the book, put the cover on, pack it and ship it in 15 minutes. Isn’t that cool?
Even after so many years in the IT business I am still getting amazed what technology can do…
...this morning. "Europe is drowning in wine". I don't see how that possibly could be a problem...
Now they gonna change the subsidies to spend more on promoting European wine. I don't need no promotion man.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Rat located
Ok, since M the housewife reassured me that he had gone through everything in the kitchen in order to locate the smell, I trusted him. Big HUGE mistake.
On Saturday I found a month old mozzarella in an open plastic bag + about 1 kg of rotting potatoes in a sack. So rotten is was dripping this awful smell. Yuk!
M, in case you're planning to be a real housewife...don't quit your day job just yet :)
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Give and take
Sorry for not blogging yesterday, but I had so few visitors and no comments so I started to feel a bit like give and take. I don't wanna just give, I wanna take some too. I want you guys to have comments, to feel, to think, to say.
Anyway, today was spent on the lake with three guys (lucky me :) until the weather all of a sudden had an opinion. I was on the floor of the boat, having a massage, feeling good and almost sleepy when the waves decided to have a go a Zürichsee. We had to go back. It took the weather 2 hours to start raining (we just came back from having a drink at an outside bar), but now it is.
It pleases me no end to think about M who is just about to bike downtown in order to sell his bike. He will get wet :)...
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