Once we hiked down from ze mountain (well, we actually took the "road" back, which is not a road unless you have a 4-wheel drive mountain-car. Not very common in Switzerland (despite the need!) where most people drive Smart cars...).
We finally got down there, and the next stop was auntie. A relative of the local. So we all paraded into her house. Unannounced. But since it was 1st of August, everything is allowed. Apparently.
We got offered drinks and sat down. And guess what? A friggin large insect took a liking to me. Why is it that you have 9 people and the insect decides it's a good idea to approach Annika? I just wonder. I love cats. I love (well sorta) animals (was actually thinking of taking a marmot home since they eat insects!) but these kinda creatures are not my cuppa tea.
Check it out! Big and ugly if you ask me.