Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I don't know whether I should cry or laugh at M. He only moved in here, and then promptly started to look for a flat of his own. I don't take it personal, since I can surely understand a man wanting his own flat. Or a woman for that matter. But it is quite funny to follow his pursuit in finding the perfect flat. For very modest money. And he has this bizarre wish: he wants his own pissoir! In the flat! It'll be very interesting to see where he ends up :)


Unknown said...


A pissoir? I never said that. I wouldn't mind it, but to have this as a criteria for an appartment in Zurich is like checking out a place and getting it without a horrible application process. Means, not possible!

Witchbitch said...

HA! I thought so. You don't necessarily require it, but deep inside you long for a private pissoir :)

Was it a long horrible application process getting your room in my flat? And just for the record, it wasn't!