Monday, September 24, 2007

From 100 to -273 about 2 hours. There was this guy who told me I look like an actress, he just couldn't remember the name. "Is she good-looking?" I asked. "Yes", he said, "gorgeous and famous". I liked this guy immediately. Such a nice bloke. Until 2 hours later when he came up to me, only to say "now I know who it is! You remind me of an old neighbour I used to have in the 70's". An old fucking neighbour! In the 70's! Jeez. Talk about going from top points to -273 on the Kalvin scale. Or possible Celsius. I don't think we'll be choosing curtains together in the near future...


Anonymous said...

'From 100 to -273'

Just relax and hope that he didn't know English an spoke of an old neighbour meaning a former one. :)

Witchbitch said...

I guess he must've done, since he greeted me today with "hello young lady"...

John said...

He did. I know you and You're definitely hot! I'm sure he meant old as in..former like sg said.

Witchbitch said...

2 votes for former. I like you guys :)