Friday, September 14, 2007

Half a t-shirt

I know that most of my friends do not like my place but I'm still amused by it. Like tonight. There was this guy who wore half a t-shirt. Ripped off t-shirt showing half his naked chest. It is really funny to think about why somebody would go out, showing a tit. A male one at that. Why? I have no clue. A wild guess would be that alcohol was involved but who knows? A fetish thing? A need to be different? In the end, who cares? I just find it really funny that every time I go there, I have something to blog about :)


John said...

you know I liked that place! But it's definitely a place that requires a person to have a picture phone! Would love to have seen Mr. Flashdance!


Witchbitch said...

Yes! You have good taste. I do have a picture phone but still haven't had time to load pics to the pc. Next time I see half a t-shirt will be sure to document it for you :)