Sunday, September 16, 2007

On thin ice

Last time I was in Hallenstadion it was Art on Ice. It was good. Tonight wasn't. If I wanna be nice I could say it has room for improvement. But since I'm not I'm just gonna say like it was. CRAP! I cannot believe I paid 137 CHF for this shit. Honestly. I thought it was impossible to fuck it up with such good music to work with. But apparently not. They had a really weak story about a woman who was desperate to marry. The whole set-up was cheap. The same background (yeah they turned it around a couple of times but still). If I look at their website ( they say that 11,000 people can have a congress. Well if there were 11,000 there tonight, and we all paid around 130 CHF it amounts to something like 1,5M CHF. That's a whole lotta money for a crap show. Next time I'm certainly gonna be a bit more diligent in choosing my entertainment!

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