Sunday, September 23, 2007

Packing up

So packing up to go on the boat. Friendgirl wants to join. She hasn't been on the boat before but somehow I think she's a water person. Unlike those Americans :) Might not be warm enough for a swim, but who knows? I am so amazed that it's 23rd Sep and weather still is sunny and 20+°. Zürichsee, here we come!


chad and cheryl said...

Hey! Be nice to us! some of us know more than one least some of another. I'll stop reading if you continue to beat me up when I'm not there to defend myself!!!

Witchbitch said...

Guess you meant to comment on the convince me lady. How many languages do you speak?

chad and cheryl said...

solo hablo un poquito de español
et je parle un peu de Francais, merci beaucoup!!!
and I of course, speak English!

Witchbitch said...

Aha, but you could've googled that. I want to hear it in time you visit.

Better practise :)