Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Friendship trouble - part II
First of all, thanks for all the great input to my friendship trouble item. I shall now give you an update.
1. She hasn't called back since, but there is a little bit more to the story than I told last time. She is not, how can I phrase it, completely "right-in-the-head". And it is not temporary. I have been supporting her over many many years, but somehow cannot seem to muster the energy to be in close contact anymore. I don't have the strength, since it's been like this as long as I can remember. Will put it on hold for the moment, but she won't completely disappear. That I know.
2. Have now sent a second email to ask how he's doing. Will see if he answers this one. Otherwise plan is to phone him.
3. I did respond to her today on email. Told her that I was disappointed for a long time with the bill not paid and the key not returned. But she was a good friend in a time of need, and that is hard to forget. I will see what she answers (and btw, she might even read this blog since I attached the address!).
4. John commented "if you hang around with dogs, you get fleas". I love this expression. I don't think there will be any more contact with her. Perhaps later on, because never say never. Right now I have enough around me.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
So it was a relief when friendgirl showed up. I sms'd her from the bus going downtown (which is kinda an accomplishment in itself since the bus takes no more than 5 minutes tops...and that is with traffic...there is no traffic at 21.30). Swoosh, and there you are. In town. Anyway, friendgirl decided it was a good idea to join. So she did.
And there is nothing Spanish about her. But she does a fantastically good imitation of speaking English with an accent. It is really funny to hear a Swiss person speaking English with a Swiss accent, and being funny at the same time. Because this I hear on a daily basis, but since she is fluent in English without the trace of Swiss, it is funny. Believe me. She can also do English with a French accent. Equally funny.
Especially since I'm forced to speak to people every day with those accents. And trust me, then they don't do it for fun. They actually speak like that.
Moral of the story? Heck if I know :). I'm just off-loading after yet another evening in town.
Spanish guy
It's funny sometimes. When one thing is talked about, the same thing keeps on coming up in conversation. Think todays topic is Spain. And anything Spanish. This guy tonight for example. He had mind you lived in Switzerland for 28 years, and spoke what sounded to me like perfect high German (but he still refused to speak Swiss German, I liked him already). Only, he was...hmmm....a bit too Spanish.
You know the latin guys. Always a little bit too much. Lightning your cigarette before you even wanted to smoke one. Talking a lot about nothing. Signalling sex before you even shook hands. Thanks but no thanks. Ah gosh, am I getting picky or what?
PS. At least he didn't smell like a latin guy. You know the sweet overwhelming smell of perfume?
Spanish fly
And yes Aussie girl, I know it's nothing like the hairy big things you have down-under, but how am I gonna sleep tonight? Notice the long, thin legs. Coming to think of it perhaps a Paris Hilton spider?
Why men don't write advice columns...
Dear Walter: I hope you can help me here. The other day I set off for work leaving my husband in the house watching the TV as usual. I hadn't gone more than a mile down the road when my engine conked out and the car shuddered to a halt. I walked back home to get my husband's help. When I got home I couldn't believe my eyes. He was in the bedroom with a neighbor lady making mad passionate love to her.
I am 32, my husband is 34 and we have been married for twelve years. When I confronted him, he tried to make out that he went into the back yard and heard a lady scream, had come to her rescue but found her unconscious. He'd carried the woman back to our house, laid her in bed, and began CPR. When she awoke she immediately began thanking him and kissing him and he was attempting to break free when I came back. But when I asked him why neither of them had any clothes on, he broke down and admitted that he'd been having an affair for the past six months.
I told him to stop or I would leave him. He was let go from his job six months ago and he says he has been feeling increasingly depressed and worthless. I love him very much, but ever since I gave him the ultimatum he has become increasingly distant. I don't feel I can get through to him anymore. Can you please help? Sincerely, Mrs.. SheilaUsk_____________________________________________________________
Dear Sheila: A car stalling after being driven a short distance can be caused by a variety of faults with the engine. Start by checking that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it is clear, check the jubilee clips holding the vacuum pipes onto the inlet manifold. If none of these approaches solves the problem, it could be that the fuel pump itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the carburetor float chamber. I hope this helps. Walter
Now I'm going to cook hamburgers for ex-flatmate. We have decided to continue the tradition of having dinner once a week, after my other friend is taking a time-out.
So salad and veggies done? Check. Ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise on the table? Check. A bit of cheese? Check. Wine uncorked? Check. Table set? Check. Bread? Check. All that remains are the actual burgers...and ex-flatmate of course :)...but he's been instructed to arrive at 18.30 so no worries.
More later.
On the bus
Fortunately farting guy was not on it today, but almost Why is it that women (because in this case it's almost always women) have to travel with strollers the size of prairie wagons in rush hour? And don't give me that crap about fetching at pre-school or something, because these are always infants.
So there I was, crammed against a dirty wheel of this baby buggy. Charming.
While I am always the first to rise and offer my seat to elderly, I am not quite so helpful when it comes to these mothers, so when getting off the bus I suddenly developed a hearing impairment when being asked to help getting yet another one of these buggies on the bus. Ha!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Work permit cont'd
So went again to the kreisburo. This time one floor up. When you come there you are met by three doors, each with a bell and one of these lamps red-yellow-green. You ring the bell and when they decide that their coffee break is over you are let in.
You show the letter, telling them you need this and that paper. They print it off, put a big fat stamp on it, hold it still in their hand while saying "17 francs bitte". You can clearly see in their eyes that they will never hand the paper over until you have given them the money.
17 francs less I get the paper, only to see it says "herr" and not "frau" on it. Excuse me? Do I look like a man? So she went to do the whole procedure once again. I was almost expecting another "17 francs bitte", but luckily not.
While I was waiting I was reading about the "strafregister", you know the other no-jail paper I had to apply for? Apparently they advertise that you can now apply for this over the internet. HA! That's certainly not what the form I got said.
So far I have paid 65 CHF for the application, 20 CHF for the no-jail certificate and 17 CHF for todays paper. I wonder how much they're gonna charge me when I finally do get the permit? If ever...
Fart bus
As much as I adore the public transportation system here in Switzerland, it certainly has its downsides. Going home on a packed bus this evening, squashed between people, somebody decided to spice the trip up. He farted. I really don't who it was, but I bet you it was a man. It was disgusting. This smell was spreading, and it was evil.
It's a good thing I only have to go a couple of stops. Control your friggin body next time, you evil person!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Little J
There were little people around the restaurant tonight. Little as in short, unpleasant and abusive. And with no table manners whatsoever.
And when I was going like "should we perhaps move to another more quiet table?" M was more into twinkling his eye almost in a flirting manner with this 1-year-old-piece-of-I-guess-sometime-to-be-a-real-person.
It was scary to watch. Especially when he was referring to little J...
PS. Private joke, which I'm too much of a prude (HAHAHAHAHA) to reveal here :)
My fondue-friends are moving. All the way to friggin Asia. The place where you get arrested if you throw chewing gum on the street. Or spit. Think if I ever went there I would be tempted to spit just because it's forbidden. Not that I spit otherwise, but there I certainly would feel the saliva building up.
Of course I'm happy for them, but I hate losing my local friends here. Who would I now stay up until the wee hours partying with? Laugh with? Ah yes, I do have a few more friends luckily. And I think their assignment is only for 2 years. But still. I know from my own experience that once you move, there is no going back. Ever. Just hope I'm wrong this time. And since they are nothing like me, I think they will come back.
Weird and good
Yesterday felt weird and good at the same time. Flatmate was leaving even before I got out of bed, so when getting up I could walk around naked had I wanted to. Didn't really feel like it, since I seldom do it anyway, but the feeling was I could if I would.
I admit I was tempted at the time M was living here, just to see him being horrified, but never did. Guess I would be afraid it would turn him straight :)
But in the evening everything was as usual. M came back to visit, using his key to get in, and when I asked if he wanted a glass of wine he promptly rose and went to get it himself from the fridge. Ideal guest really.
So slept alone last night, and it felt good. So don't think I'll be getting a new flatmate. At least not for a while.
PS. And don't worry. M and I will meet up often enough for me continuing to write about him!
It's amazing that I remembered that the time changed. Minus one hour. Darkness is what we have to look forward to :(...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Control freak
Anyway. I was in Australia, in Sydney for a day, and we had rented a beach house a couple of hours up the coast. Then there were forest fires, so we couldn't go because the roads were closed. And my friend freaked. He couldn't deal with the change in plan. Me? I was more like, well we're here, why don't we just stay another night in the hotel and spend the day in Bondi beach. Dinner in Darling harbour. I really didn't see the problem.
But my friend couldn't relax. It threw him that his carefully planned schedule didn't work. And this is the guy who sends me an excel spreadsheet with leaving time, how many hours it is to the next stop, what time zone I'm in, when I land, what I have to do, which hotel we're checking in to etc etc. Yawn! I just think there are worse places to get stuck in than Sydney :)
PS. This is what I saw coming home tonight...
Work permit
Following up on the work permit application. So I went to the post office, paid 20 CHF and got the stamp. The STAMP. Ze Swiss are big on that. Then I sent the application to the authorities, so that they could on paper tell me that I haven't been in jail the last 5 years.
The other paper was not about where I lived (got it translated by a German mind you!) but that I haven't got a bad payment sheet, meaning if you do not pay your bills on time you get reported. I thought this one was easy. Sent an email through a website asking them to send me a confirmation. They answered (wow!) to say phone this number and speak to this person. So did. This person informed me that I had to come there in person or I could apply with a letter. Turns out they are one floor above the "kreisburo" where I first applied for the permit. Mein gott. So now I have to take time off my busy schedule, go there and get another stamp, probably pay something as well. And I'm thinking, they know where I live, my name, they've got my (previous) permit, a copy of a passport, probably my DNA as well, and I still have to go there?
Ze Swiss. As lovely as they are, the are FRIGGIN difficult!
In my footsteps
Came back from suburbia tonight to Zurich HB (the main station). Going up the escalator there were yellow footsteps painted on each step. I felt like if I didn't put my feet in the painted area I would be arrested.
Why do ze Swiss do this? Like people do not know how to ride an escalator? That they have to stand in line? Put your feet here and not outside the yellow paint? There are so many questions, and so few answers...
Friday, October 26, 2007
Fondue evening
And btw, this is where we had dinner yesterday. A really Swiss restaurant. Stinks of cheese of course, since everything on the menu is raclette, fondue or something else cheesy. Good though.
First nail in the coffin
Yesterday we had decided to go to Papa Joe's for dinner. You know, American type of place, big burgers, Corona beer and excellent drinks like Pina colada.
But we turned in the door when it turned out that the whole restaurant was smoke-free on Thursdays. I tell ya. This is just the beginning of a smoke-free Switzerland (which funnily enough doesn't mean it's free to smoke, but rather the opposite!). I might have to consider moving soon again...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Friendship trouble
When there is trouble with friends there are two ways to go. Say goodbye and ciao, or work on it. I have now trouble with four friends. It's probably a mixture of me being difficult as a person, and knowing quite a few people.
1. Somebody I've known since 1987, that's 20 years. A long time. Which means that's a friendship worth working on. Only she sucks the energy out of me. Everything is always about her, her, her. It was fine as long as I was strong. When I was less strong, I needed support. That she couldn't give. Half a year ago she wrote me an email which I didn't respond to. Now she has tried to ring me a couple of times, and I haven't been home. Should I answer next time?
2. A close (or so I thought) friend here in Zürich was acting strange about a month ago. Cancelled dinner several times. Was rude on sms. Hasn't responded to emails. I think if I do not hear from him I will go visit and demand an answer. I am not giving him up.
3. An American woman who I got to know about 4,5 years ago. We became very close in a short time. She was a great support to me when I had a difficult time. But she left going back to the US with my key and left me with a telephone bill of about 300 CHF. Now she has emailed me and want to be friends again.
4. A Swiss friendgirl who I had a fallout with some months ago. She was always making me feel bad. She just couldn't be positive about anything. And despite me introducing her to my friends she never connected with any of them. I don't know if I would like to take contact again. I know she never will. Is it worth it?
Shucks, sometimes life is difficult. And I guess you cannot be friends with everybody. But sometimes it's worth making a try...
Had dinner with flatmate tonight, soon to be ex-flatmate. He moves on Saturday. I am really very happy for him, although I'll miss him. He's been almost the perfect guy to live with. I was trying to come up with some flaws, and I managed two.
First, he puts the spoons in the dishwasher with the heavy bit down so that they collect water and get a ring when drying.
Second, he puts his shoes on top of mine so that they get squashed.
And I have deliberately not told him about this, because I wasn't bothered about it. I just got into a habit of turning the spoons around before starting the dishwasher and moving his shoes.
And yes, the third one. He never ever fills up the coffee machine with beans.
See? As close to perfection as you can get. The thing is I know that I have flaws, but he's been too polite to ever tell me. How will I learn to better myself?
Fiscal year
Got an email from a friend the other day, saying that while I was going out, she was doing her tax return. I thought October was a really strange time to do this, so asked as a joke if the fiscal year down-under was July-June. And yes indeed it seemingly is!
Isn't that weird? Just because you're in a different time zone doesn't mean you have to turn everything around. Or does it? Yes, their water turns a different way and summer is in winter. Guess it does makes sense. In a way...
A pic of my tits
It was very strange at first being touched by a woman. And then by a man. He put some cream on my breasts and then a gizmo moving around and around and around. All the while talking.
But my breasts are healthy. The cyst has sunk from 8 mm three years ago to now 5 mm. And apparently "sometimes they just disappear by themselves".
And in case you didn't get it. I had a mammography and a sonogram :)
We are about to take off
Sometimes I just love the Swiss. Coming home on the bus just now, the driver says "welcome on the bus that is going to so-and-so. I wish you a nice trip".
I was just waiting for the "fasten your seatbelts"...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Global security
One of the guys tonight told me he was working in global security. So naturally I asked what that meant. "If I tell you I have to kill you", he said. Told him that "my name is Bond" would go down better. Turned out he was from Israel, and had worked 25 years in the Israel version of FBI. Oh dear. So decided that attack was better than defeat. He agreed to be my bodyguard for the evening. What I didn't realize at the time was that he promised the same to all other women in sight.
And he had the kind of risk behaviour that "a bomb is fun", "it adds a certain something to life". However he got to work with global security is a friggin mystery to me...
PS. I have now learned to write my name in Hebrew...
Finally the Oktoberfest
Including a Luke who I told could be my son (had I actually liked children). Didn't stop him thought, "I don't mind" he said. Problem is to make jokes with ze Swiss saying something like "well, I do mind being a paedophile". It just doesn't fly with ze Swiss. But no problem. Just laugh and dance along...
And that we did. Until 11 pm. Then they closed. No warning. No nothing. Just taking the beer glasses from under our noses, shoving us towards the exit. No manners whatsoever. It's a good thing I know other places...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Some friend
Heard from an old friend today. He "accused" me of writing a lot about sex and alco. I don't think I do. Yes, I insert the odd item on this but I really don't think that the lion share of my blog is about this. Is it?
I thought I wrote more about what I see, what I feel, the people I meet, relationships, odd things. But I could be wrong. It has been known to happen before. Once :)
What do you think?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Don't wanna sound pretentious but probably will, but here's the thought. I so wish I wasn't blessed with intelligence. Life seems to be so much easier without having to analyze everything all the time, having a brain that is constantly working, always on the go.
Thought about it tonight. People who are less, how can I put it?, bothered with intelligence seems to take everything so easy. There is never any problem, and if there is, it is easily solved.
Sometimes I think that it would have been easier to be born a bimbo...
And yes, I know I'm blonde so no need for jokes :)
Ok, time to have a go at the Americans again. Since flatmate had to be physically dragged out of his room to have a drink with birthday girl tonight I decided it was a good idea to go out. And yes, he managed to sit down and toast for about 10 minutes. Eventually.
Anyway, when got into town there were these 4 American women. How did I know they were Americans? First, they were loud. Second, they thought they owned the place. And third, one of them looked normalweight, one was overweight and two were obese. Just like the average of the American people, am I right or am I right?
That guy who played on Saturday is really a busybody. He has this little flyer with pics from at least 4 bands, and possibly more. Told me he does music fulltime so I guess one type of music doesn't cut it. Here are the ones he has websites on: and (which apparently is not Lithuania as I thought but Liechtenstein!).
And I must admit, he was a really good guitarist. Too bad he was a bit too short for me. Not that I think he has a lack of groupies :)...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
My personal foot fetishist
Later tonight I ran into my foot fetishist guy. Thought he was a general foot fetishist but turns out he's my personal one. He only likes my feet. And he doesn't like winter time when I have boots, and he cannot see my feet.
Perhaps it was the alcohol talking but I gave him a kiss (or was it the other way around?). He's a good kisser. At least as long as he sticks to the mouth. I'm not into ear kissers. Seriously? Who wants to stick their tongue into an ear. Not me, I tell you.
But I guess the day I'm in need (read desperate) he'll be a contestant...
Who's got balls?
Got an sms tonight informing me that South Africa won the world championship in rugby. Not entirely sure why I got this information, but I'm fairly sure rugby has something to do with balls.
Excuse me? Do I look like a person interested in sports? But perhaps a person interested in balls...
In the woods
Amazing what you can find when venturing out of Zürich. I admit I felt uncomfortable. I mean, who knows what's out there? No asphalt? No bars? No people? It was a risk, but I took it. And it turned out all right.
In the middle of nowhere there was this bar. Really cool, rustic but with charm. Friendly people, you know the kind where you shake hands and learn their names. Where you do not have to pay after every drink, they put you on a tab because they immediately trust you. Me like very much.
And of course the reason I went there was because a friendgirl of mine was singing. I tell ya. She really is Tina 2. And I apologize for the bad quality of the pic. Forgot to bring my camera, so this is the phone cam. (Will have to add pic tomorrow since blogspot is playing up with this error: "bX-9pjt6o". Enlightning, isn't it?).
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Winter wheels
It was a very weird evening. First when I got downtown walking into my place, the door was locked. This has never ever happened before. So spent a few minutes outside waiting until somebody opened. And I was in. Which felt funny, because I'm always welcome in this place. But I get it. It was packed. Packed, packed, packed. Which means that people has finally gotten it. This place is fun.
The second, third, fourth and so forth thing that was weird tonight was when friendgirl said she couldn't drive me home because I live on a hill and it is/was going to snow tonight. Excusez-moi? Snow? In Zürich? In October? And even if so, snowing in Zürich is a laugh. Especially if you come from the North Pole as I do. Snow? Snowing? Less than a meter doesn't count. When you can still open the front door, and not having to shuffle...I'm sorry, I don't get it.
So got a ride home. Which was not necessarily a good thing, because I was in party mood and ready to go on...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Do I have to do everything?
Was out for a few drinks as said. There was this woman. And this man. Obvious attraction. And none of them do anything about it. Must I always interfere? What is wrong with people?
Is it just me who sees these things? I seriously wonder sometimes. But perhaps it is like me and clothes. I see when other people dress nicely and look good, but I don't see myself.
Must be the same with other people and relationships/sex/attraction...
Sexy baby
A wolf in sheeps clothes
Sometimes people surprise me. This evening we had a plan to go to the Oktoberfest in Hauptbahnhof. It fell through since it was fully booked and packed with people trying to get in already at six this evening. Fine. So we settled down just outside, having a beer.
Then this guy joined us. He's usually very strict, with a suit and tie, and doesn't laugh. When he joined he didn't even sit down before he took off his tie and got rid of the suit jacket. He then proceeded to talk about where he lives, apparently close to Langstrasse. Where he has a porn shop around the corner. Jeez!
It was just downhill from there...and now I'm just home quickly to change and then go out again. Where will this end?
PS. Have an appointment with the lovely G tomorrow for my hair. And then another party tomorrow night. It is indeed a good thing it's weekend!
Ze Swiss are not very trusting people. As I wrote about before I applied for an extended permit to stay in this lovely country. My previous 5-year permit expired. This was about 3 months ago. Today I got a letter saying that they are handling my application but need more information. This is what they need:
1. An extract from the police register, that I have a clean sheet. They kindly attached a form that I somehow need to get filled in by an official, together with a bill of 20 CHF that it apparently costs to get this.
2. Extract from something called "Betreibungsregister" which I think has to do with where I lived the past 5 years.
3. Current workplace.
They are kind enough to give me time until the 16th of November to provide them with the documents. Less than a month. And they took three months to tell me this.
I tell ya. Ze Swiss ain't easy.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I know this woman who has a dog. She's English and has just relocated to Zürich. Nice I thought. Until I heard that she was bringing a friggin Dobermann (what's it in English?). You know one of these dogs that eat people. Preferrably small people like babies.
She: "he's a big softie". Yeah, right.
The problem apparently is that the customs do not know which forms she has to fill in in order to register the dog properly. And you know, in Switzerland you have to register for everything. The customs didn't know. The "gemeinde" didn't know. The "kreisburo" didn't know. Even the "hundepolizei" didn't know (the fact that Switzerland has a dog police just blew me).
And that is good enough for me. Perhaps there is a reason for not having the forms for a friggin KILLING DOG!
It's kinda funny that I pride myself of being really good with communication. Yet there are a few words I can never bring myself to utter. Like "I need you". I disguise it by saying "let's go for a drink" or "let's meet up soon". Thinking that people can read my mind. How silly of me.
I still have a lot to learn...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I can be so mean. M watching tv. "Who is this guy? I see him always on tv, but who and what is he? A man? A woman?". Me: "he's an in-between. Just like you". M: "HAHAHA. Ish.".
Guess it's a reaction from him moving out. Now I can be mean. But I guess the joke is on me. I'm gonna miss him. Damn!
PS. Did I tell you he's moving out? Well he is. End of month. And to the other side of the friggin city. It's going to be a long ride going for dinner...
Would you buy a used car from this man?
Actually, he's ok. I know him. And he just published his first book, which I haven't had the pleasure of reading yet. Mostly because he won't lend it to me because "then you won't buy it". He's most probably right.
He does have a flaw though. He's into yoga big time. And that includes female yoga teachers...
I really love the privatized healthcare system here in Switzerland. Yes it does cost quite a bit, but I like the system.
A couple of days ago I called my doctor, who recommended me a mammography. Today I called the clinic who had received the info from my doctor to make a reservation. Then she asked "when would you like to come?". Oh, I thought, that's very serviceminded. So I said "when do you have a time available?". "No", she insisted, "you tell me when you can make it". Wow. That's service. So now I'm booked for Tuesday next week, since my calendar was kinda full this week.
That's service people.
And for Johns amusement. Then my breasts will really look like a dachshunds ear...or even two :)
Have a friendgirl who has received scary phone calls lately. When she traced them with the help of the phone company it turned out to be an employee at the same company, who's on sick leave for guess what? Some psycho disease.
This means he knows her name, phone number and where she lives. Today she was going to go to the police. I really hope she did.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Nobody wants to fuck grandma
Oh dear. Think I have really watched too much Sex and the city. But this is really true. Last week I found a grey (wait not grey, white actually) pubic hair. Oh fuck. Or not actually. I immediately plucked it. This was a first for me. I have never ever had this before.
The only thing I've ever plucked before were dead leaves on my balcony.
And now I'm plucking fucking white hairs from my...well you know "downstairs". Is it just downhill from here?
I have this weird bra. It has two hooks, but one of them always unhook. So my breasts are more or less hanging on only one string. So to speak.
Sometimes I try to fix the problem by hooking on the second hook, but it can never be done discreetly so I've given up. If both my breasts can hang on only one hook, they cannot be classified as too big. Can they?
And I really like this bra. My breasts look fabulous in it (you think I've watched to many Sex and the city's?), so I'm not gonna give up on it.
Guess we're both hanging on :) and my bra.
I found the weirdest thing tonight on the bus home. A Trivial Pursuit card. In friggin German. This is when I had an 80's flashback. Perhaps it's time to bin my TP? Which is in a language nobody can understand, except for the few million who happen to be unfortunate enough to still live there, plus the fact that Yugoslavia (under the category geography) has now split up into seven new countries!
Haven't checked but Chrusjtjov was probably still president in the Sovjet union in my TP...
Military parade
I just loooove a man in uniform (in case you're new to the blog and missed this important fact). Which is why I was almost drooling tonight when no less than seven of them were parading in front of me entering my bar. They were mega-cute. All of them.
So ok, I was there with friendgirl and didn't make a move (aka wasn't drunk enough :) and almost cried when they left. But hey! Tomorrow is another day, and for a Monday it wasn't so bad.
I live with a woman
Ok, so now it's official. I've been out, and coming home M is watching Sex and the city. I live with a woman. Or at least a honorary woman. M, you have been granted membership in an exclusive club. You will from now on be invited to girls nights.
In fact, anybody who watches Sex and the city (and enjoys it) has their shit in order. Not meaning we're all as fucked up as they are, but we can talk about it. Communication is a good thing.
Welcome to the girls club!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Phone call
Friendgirl calls. "What are you doing?". Me: "nothing. Just watching Sex and the city". So we had a conversation, making plans for next weekend. Rounding up she says. "Well, enjoy your sex". Which I thought was an odd remark to make. Until she added "and the city". Ah, yes. Guess that's the only sex I'll get tonight...
Me and a box of dvd's
Sorry, no exciting news from yesterday. I got stuck with a box of old Sex and the city-episodes, and cannot stop watching. Even though I know how it ends, it's still fun. And that Big is always a joy to see...
Saturday, October 13, 2007
One night stand
Well, thought you'd like to get a glimpse so managed to take a pic of his ass...sorry back :).
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Fatal attraction
Had a few offers tonight. Spoke to this Italian guy, who after one minute of polite conversation wanted to know if I was into men or women, or preferrably both. He offered a threesome, no doubt including himself, another woman and me. Gee, thanks but no thanks.
Was offered a Jägermeister which I politely declined. Three times. Then I caved in and had one. Had a hard time not throwing up on the table after downing it. I hate that stuff. When the next round was coming, like 10 minutes later, I really said no. Then another guy decided to force it down my throat. I refused. Which led to him pouring Jägermeister down my white blouse. And then promptly offered to lick it off my bosom. Again, thanks but no thanks.
Yet another guy had a hat which he put in front of his package, asking me how big I wanted it. I could have cooked his "rabbit" right there and then. But luckily for him we chose to leave...
Way too late
Waaaaayyyyy toooooooooo late. To join the Oktoberfest in Hauptbahnhof (central station). This is new for this year. They just put up a big tent in the main hall and declared it being Oktoberfest. Along with a band in lederhosen, wooden benches and tables and one thing on the menu. 1 liter beers.
They cleverly avoided the newly introduced no smoking in bahnhof-rule by declaring the tent a smoking zone. Very cunning. And with waitresses walking around selling cigarettes, cigars and in-betweens the place was foggy. To say the least.
Place was full with people coming there after work (I'm guessing here, but since there were lotsa men in suits and ties I kinda think I'm right on target). They were all trashed. But I guess that's what drinking does to you when you start at around six. We arrived 21.30. Sober. Clearly not a good idea. But it was...hmmm how can I put it...interesting.
Bro called from Slovakia. Apparently not a place to visit, so will cross that off my list of places to see. Which I btw did after spending 5 friggin months in Hungary! Eastern Europe is so not my thing.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Men and their tools
But doesn't he look kinda happy when working?
PS. First time he said yes to me posting his pic here...better be quick!
Flatmate home
Ah well but is he? Got an sms that he indeed had landed, but he's not home. Aha. Message on the whiteboard. Gone to see his girlfriend. And here was I looking forward to all the sleezy details from his vacation...
Good thing I'm a patient person...
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Precision sharpener
There's a new profession I've never heard about before. My Sopranos-friend told me about it. Oh I didn't tell you? A friend lent me the first season of Sopranos. What he didn't tell me was that it was old-fashioned videos, running only on VCR's. Didn't they disappear like 10 years ago? So guess Sopranos will have to wait.
But this guy has a relative who's in the precision sharpener business, which means he sharpens knives for a living and then rent them to restaurants and the likes. They keep them for a period of time, then he collects them and give out new ones, goes home and sharpens the used ones. Seemingly he makes a good living out of it too.
And I thought it was something completely different...considering the Italian background :)
Sunday, October 07, 2007
The day after
Oops. Just read what I wrote last night. Can you tell I wasn't 100% sober :)? Ah well. Feeling good today though, so no harm done.
We had a nice dinner last night at the Blue duck. Which is a funny name for a restaurant that doesn't actually have duck on the menu as they advertise on the website. Only one dish, duck ravioli or something. But ok, the food was good and in a nice setting. Was just a tad disappointed since I really like duck.
And just got word that todays dinner is cancelled. I was planning to cook fish. So now I have 1 kg of fish and no dinner guest. That's too bad since fish doesn't stay good for long, so guess I'll cook anyway.
But he was nice. Despite his juvenile appearance. He liked blues. That's good enough for me.
PS. Mind you, I did give him a hint re hairdo. G would really love to get her hands on this one. Afraid I wasn't very subtle. More like "you would get more girls if you cut your hair". Think perhaps he got the message :)
Italian stallion
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Men and their cars
A friend of mine is driving up from Italy this afternoon. ETA around 5pm. But guess what? At around 4.30 I get a phone call. "I might be a bit late, more around 6.30pm". s'fine. No problem. I was deep into second season of House anyway, and really comfortable on the sofa.
So 6-ish I started to get dressed and get ready. Then another phone call. "I'm in Zug now, running a little late". Yeah, I'd say.
Why is it that men always are time optimists? I'm fairly sure he wasn't gonna be alone on the road on a Saturday afternoon from Italy to Zürich. That road is always busy.
I wonder if this is the same reason why they think 10cm is 20cm :)??
Drama drama drama. Always something going on in Zürich. Was walking from my place to the taxi station since I missed the last bus by about a good hour. While doing so I came across this guy who was running faster than that black guy I cannot remember his name shouting "laufen!". Why? Personally I don't think that running is a good thing. I stopped doing so after trams, buses and men a long time ago. Or at all really.
Looking back what he was running from it looked like a police van. Guess I don't wanna know.
Asked my nice (!) croatian taxi driver if he knew. He didn't. And we decided we didn't want to get involved.
Personally I think if you're running from the police at that speed, it cannot be anything good...
One thing that you definitely learn by living in different countries is how to communicate and interpret. Tonight I was talking to this guy who told me about a delicious dinner he had cooked.
"And then I served the thing I cannot remember in English but was running around in the forest with Obelix". Aha! Wild pig. It's a good thing I'm literate. And have read Asterix :)
Friday, October 05, 2007
My ass is back
That salmiakki stuff is really working, so finally decided to go change and get ready to go out. Found my ripped party pants (the ones that cleaning man mended) and thought why not? And felt I really got a good ass in those pants, so did what every girl does (ok, so not always these days but I remember the feeling). I looked at my ass in the mirror.
And thought hey! I'll photograph this for my blog readers. Ok, so first I had to work out that I had to turn the camera around to face the mirror and not me. Then I had to find the right angle, and I tell you after this drink that was really difficult. Then my camera has an automatic flash that I couldn't remember how to turn off. So alas, no pic this time. I couldn't be bothered to be honest. Three tries and nothing worked.
But good news! Well sorta. I discovered that my ass is not as small as I thought. Probably because I gained some weight overall, but hey! You gotta be glad for the small things in life (so to speak). My ass is back :)
One of these Fridays
Had a coupla glasses of wine and still didn't really feel up to it, but since I'm not a quitter I decided to check out my bar. I have a rather good selection that nobody ever seems to touch. I think it's for a good reason, since I'm not very into strong liquor but guess what I found?
This stuff is great! And I have very fond memories of being introduced to it in Holland some years least those I can remember :)
PS. It tastes like candy, and is substituting for that urge for sweets that I've had for days now (and I only had a few M&M's this afternoon, couldn't help myself).
Tomorrow I am invited out for dinner. Only I had to make the reservations myself. I tell ya, guys these days just don't know what it is to be a gentleman. But ok, a free dinner is a free dinner and I actually chose a restaurant that is in the outskirts of the city. It'll be a close call, but I'll still be in Zürich. Phew :)
Look forward, I think the restaurant is good. This is what a review says:
"One of Zurich's best restaurants, the 'place' was named after an inn established in 1675 by an ancestor of one of the owners. The restaurant is about 1km (0.6 miles) south of the city centre, forming part of a trendy shopping centre based on a converted mill on the east shore of Lake Zurich. With its whitewashed bricks, glass and bits of machinery from the original mill, the 'place' draws a cosmopolitan crowd from advertising, the media and the arts."
I exchanged the name of the restaurant with 'place'. Any idea where this is?
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Fairly old
Haha. If you browse my profile on this blog you can click on further to see how many people have a blog registered in Zürich (1,200) and 24,100 in Switzerland. On blogspot then.
One of those have registered himself as: "251 year old male Capricorn Location: Zürich : Switzerland". Wouldn't it be interesting to meet this one?
I suppose that's the reason. Was just a little surprised, but then again, this summer they had camels in town so why not?
Herren and WHAT!?!
At that restaurant the other night I had to go, so did what a girl's gotta do. I went for the loo.
Once I've located the right direction I passed the "Herren" and was expecting the next door to say "Damen". As one does. Imagine my surprise when it said "Horses". WHAT!?! Nearly had a fit there and then. Men are referred to as Herren, and women as Horses? Excusez-moi!
Was gonna take my business elsewhere until I spotted a door on the other side of the corridor, saying "Damen". Phew! That was a close call, before I'd have had a serious shout at the staff.
But I still wonder why "Horses"? It's not like they had a stable there...
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Autumn has been kind to us here in Zürich lately. About 10°C in the morning but 22°C in the afternoon. That's a very comfortable temperature in October. The only problem is that when I get home it's usually dark. And my plants on the balcony still need water. So now I kinda splash the water thingie in the right direction , who knows if I actually hit the plants? Guess I'll get the answer next weekend...
Plants alive? Good pointing. Plants not alive? Strategy needs refining...
Been a busy few days, and just got home. Had dinner with some people in town and we got to talk about trust. Think it is a concept that differs. What is trust really? To me there is only one person in the whole wide world I would trust with my life so to speak, and that's my brother. I trust him indefinitely. But other people? Absolutely not.
Yes so ok, I trust different people with different things. Like secrets. Like confiding in somebody because I know the secret will be safe with them. Sure. But only to an extent. Guess I have a trust problem. And mind you, it doesn't come from me not trying, I am a pretty accommodating nature. It's just that I've been proven wrong one too many times. It doesn't stop me from trying though, but I just don't have a general trust in people. And sadly enough, most of the times I'm right not to have.
That's the nature of people though. Nobody is perfect :)...
Thomas Cook stinks too
Remember Cablecom? They stink. Or do they? Since the person with the problem never came back to do a follow-up I'm inclined to let it go. Just hate people who do not follow-up. If you complain, it's your duty to follow it to the end. At least I think so. So I'm willing to let Cablecom off the hook regarding that particular problem. In my eyes they still stink, but now it's only my opinion.
Anyway, now I'm shooting at Thomas Cook on behalf of another friend. He bought a trip from them in Germany for 3,500 EUR. That's a lot of money. He paid the bill about a month ago. Then he tried to contact them several times through phone calls and emails, and today he got the message that he still owed them 10 EUR. "For what?" he asked. And they couldn't tell him. Just that 10 EUR was unpaid. So four days before departure he has no ticket. A ticket he paid a month ago. Customer service? Naah.
So Thomas Cook, go to hell! And I can assure you that I, or any reader of this blog (I hope :) will never ever attain your services.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Missing out
...on these guys tonight. The day just doesn't have enough hours.
They're playing at the Pickwick pub in Zug. A place with good pub grub and a good atmosphere. Especially when this band rocks.
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