Monday, May 31, 2010
Jetzt spreche ich Deutsch!
Tomorrow is the last day of my German class, and we were discussing what to do. The teacher presented three alternatives, one to just have a normal class, second to have class half the time, then go for coffee and third, to watch a movie in German.
To my utter surprise several people opted for the first alternative! What is wrong with people?
Luckily I got more people to follow my direction and go for the second choice.
Then of course I'm doing a second course, which "conveniently" starts on Thursday this week, so for me this is half-time.
Never a dull moment!
More foreigners in Switzerland
Another evening, another dinner. This time to celebrate that Bro, my little brother (getting all teary-eyed here...remembering him when he was speaking unintelligently, slobbering all over the place and was running around in diapers!) is moving to Switzerland!
I am so extremely happy, both for him and for me. It'll be nice to have him (and his girlfriend) on an hours distance from Zürich. Close but not too close if you know what I mean.
Happy days!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Another gift
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Cleaning update
Did I tell you my last cleaning lady cancelled once again? This time for good. Told me she has no time anymore. This after first cancelling 15 minutes before the appointment, and then a day before she was due again. I don't want to diss all of Thailand, after all, they have an airline with really good service, but as reliability is more.
So went back to the company I used before, despite the fact that they sent me the cheating woman last time, and I think, perhaps, this time I hit the jackpot.
She was here first time yesterday and cleaned for 4 hours. It was really dirty plus the fact that she was extremely thorough. Mind you, I was home "supervising", but still. She did a really good job. Pls keep your fingers crossed it'll continue that way!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Vienna and Zürich
I fail to see what Vienna has that Zürich doesn't, but since I never set foot there I suppose I cannot judge. But as usual with me, Zürich is No 1!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Living on a pink cloud
Three women out tonight. Two very cynical and sarcastic, one still living on a pink cloud of loooove.
Which kinda puts a damp on conversations where you diss guys, and she defends them. "Well, have you thought about it from this perspective?". Hmmm.
But I guess I can put up with it, considering it's my brother she loooves. Cute!
Am meeting a woman this evening who is almost about to join the family. She said she would be finished around five with whatever she was doing today, so I suggested we'd meet at seven. She suggested nine.
Apparently somebody has told her that coming too late for a meeting with me would make her end up on my black list.
There is nothing like a healthy dosis of respect to kick-start a relationship!
Helpless woman
A friend of mine was interviewing for a new job a while ago. She thought it didn't go very well, she was nervous.
I thought that if she interviewed with a man, she would be fine. Men like helpless women.
And guess what? She got the job. What can I say? I know these things. It also explains a lot...
I'm healed!
Went to see the doctor again, and because my arm is 90% better we decided to wait and see. If I would've gotten a second shot, it's not guaranteed that it would take care of the last 10%.
He said that my condition can come and go as it pleases, and I responded "unpredictable as a woman?". When he recovered from his cough attack, he muttered something about that he would never dare say that to his wife. I guess she keeps the reins pretty tight. Hehe.
But fine by me, especially since the doc warned me of carrying too heavy. Guess my friends will have to continue helping.
Monday, May 24, 2010
There is no god
Last week I got accused of being hard and not emotional enough. Guess what? I save my tears for when I need them. Like today.
What is the point of having a woman in her prime dying, leaving a husband and a small child behind? I ask again, what is the FRIGGIN POINT?
All that I feel is anger. Because there is no point. None whatsoever. And anybody who tries to convince me otherwise will...get a fist in the face, not succeed or at least get sorely disappointed.
A silent evening
Coming back from a great day on the lake with pics to show, only to receive an email from a friend saying that his wife passed away yesterday. I knew her, she was a fabulous woman. Last time I saw her was at my housewarming party.
Tonight my thoughts are with her family.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
A virgin ashtray
Was inaugurating my selfmade ashtray today, the one I painted myself. A flower pot turned upside down on a plate. "The hole is kinda small" my friend remarked. "It's because it's young" I responded. She: "Is it a virgin?".
Amazing how much fun you can have with a simple ashtray!
Between a rock and a hard place
A bit of a dilemma. Do I take the boat out tomorrow or on Monday? Tomorrow is gonna be 23° and sunshine, Monday 25° and sunshine. It is indeed a really tuff choice.
Thinking perhaps I don't have to choose...why not both days?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
No 1 GDP per capita
This is a quiz. Which country has the No 1 GDP / capita in the world?
This blog item is only for the very initiated...
Thanks for the drugs
After this week I'm all in favour of drugs. After having pain in my arm for about 6 months I woke up this morning about 5.30 thinking something was strange. No pain. I looove cortisone. Ok so I felt queasy for 2 days and had more pain from the shot than the arm, but now! I felt fabulous all day.
The more drugs the better I say!
Guest chef(s)
I have been accused of not letting strangers (other people) into my kitchen, but made a few exceptions this week. Tonight was a starter with duck, salad and chili with cheese. For main it was Irish beef with mashed potatoes combined with spring onion, mushroom with red onions, asparagus and sauce. Delish! Even though you wouldn't think so looking at the guy to the right...
Are my testicles black?
When my friend (the one who's still visiting) was travelling to Asia last time, he developed a blood cloth in his leg on the way back that became quite serious and he had to spend a couple of weeks in hospital after.
When his brother was visiting him in the hospital he was very surprised to hear his brother asking "are my testicles black?". He said "what did you say?" several times and my friend kept on repeating the question. Finally the brother reluctantly lifted the blanket and looked, and which time my friend shouted "NO, you idiot. I said are my test results back?".
Very funny, especially in a Northern Irish accent...
Left my neighbour in charge of my friend visiting today when I was in German class. Big, HUGE mistake (a la Julia Roberts in Pretty woman). He told lotsa stories about me, that should perhaps be kept private.
But I'm pretty proud of the statement he made to her: "When Annika was made, they threw away the mould". That cannot be anything else than a compliment, now can it?
PS. Ok, so had to clarify the word mould, thought he was saying mold like in the green stuff that grows on cheese left too long in the fridge!
From the 80's to 1995 to today
15 years ago I got picked up in a bar in Utrecht, Holland. This guy was very casual and very funny. I fell for it. Temporarily at least. So I took him home to my hotel room (as you do), and we decided we would go for it (as you do).
I went to brush my teeth and when I got out he had undressed, gotten into bed and built a tower of the duvet just over his crotch! I think that's when I decided we would be life-long friends.
The fling lasted a very short time, but here he is in Zürich, 15 years later. And yes, we have met in the meantime.
Today he insisted we'd have garlic bread with the starter (how very 80's is that?), but I guess he's no youth anymore. Not like me ;)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Lasagna - the sequel
The plan today is to cook lasagna for some friends. Since I haven't done it before I engaged a teacher. However, since I have a friend staying who is excellent in the kitchen I'm thinking to refer to my vulnerable self (ok, only arm) and delegate the job. Good idea?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Happily single
When the doctor took my anamnesis before examining my arm he was among other (and more arm-related) things asking if I was married. "No", I said, "happily single". I am perfectly aware of that it wasn't a come-on, a man who tells me his kids are 6,5 and 9,5 (or whatever it was) years old is not likely to be personally interested in my marital status. Which is just as well, since he had a really girly voice, hehe.
Anyway. Was thinking about that today. I am not married, yet I had one man in my bed yesterday and another one today. Happily single is the shit!
When the roses bloom
In German class we were asked to write down a book title in German. A made-up one. At which time I of course asked how I would know, since I've never read a German book in my life!
So my title was "When the roses bloom".
Then we were asked to write a story going with the title. I knew there was a catch!
Let my imagination run wild and invented a serial killer who sought people who lived alone out, broke in, tortured them and finally slowly killed them. Then he buried them in his garden. It looked very lovely each summer when the roses were blooming on the graves...
To my big surprise I was asked to read my story out loud for the class. Perhaps the teacher is a bit weird?
Surely it cannot be me...;?
So after the sonogram and a second opinion, where the diagnosis was confirmed, I was given a shot of local anaesthetic (which felt like he was poking the needle right into my most sore point...which coming to think of it he probably was) and then a dosis of what I hope to be the super-drug, cortisone.
However, after he was done and I stood up, I kinda felt funny. Funny as in dizzy, so had to lie down for a bit.
Now, instead of having a constant pain in my arm, I'm having a constant pain in the shoulder from the shot. Hmmm.
The main advantage of having a blog
Just realized the most useful thing of having a blog (yeah, yeah, after 4,5 years!) but really. It is when I'm angry, upset or generally occupied with something in my head I can let it out here, instead of directing it to people.
Right now I am busy forming sentences in my head for the meeting with my doc tomorrow.
"In which fucking third world country did you get your license?"
"I thought you were going to cure me!"
"When you, as you said, had such good experience of this drug, did you test it on a small animal?"
"Are you really a doctor? Show me your license!"
"How would you like my fist in your face?"
"I'll show you pain!"
This is just because I have constant pain and am really, really irritated. Drinking alcohol doesn't help, which is new to me.
And yes, I realize insulting the doc will not help, but writing it now will let it out of my system. Only the pain remains...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
It has been raining more or less non-stop for 2 weeks in Zürich now. I am sick and tired of it. I might as well move back to the shit-place I was born in!
Notice the funky ashtray to the left in the pic? Consists of a flower-pot turned upside down, a plate, all painted in the fireplace-colour. Did it all by myself, and think I paid approx 3 francs for it. And ok, try to refrain from commenting that's exactly how cheap it looks!
Living with B
I've had quite a few flatmates in my day, so consider myself experienced in this area. But I've never lived with somebody who takes so little space (not only because he's tiny!) as B. He asks permission to watch the news on tv, he insists I tell him if I think he does something wrong, he buys food, he keeps his room tidy.
I try to make him feel at home, like he lives here, but I guess he's not used to live together with somebody. And tomorrow he's off on vacation for two weeks.
And tomorrow evening my friend from Northern Ireland is moving in. And knowing him as I do, he won't be so tidy...
Tomorrow I'm going back to the doctor for the sonogram. I can assure you he will get some feedback on the medication he gave me. "It helped fuck all". I am so hoping he will give me some mega-super-duper-strong shots. I've had it with this 24-7 pain in my arm.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Brutally honest
One of my semi-new neighbours is very nice and very friendly. And brutally honest.
Guess we're kinda kindred spirits, since I have heard I am somewhat in that direction myself. And I gotta admit I appreciate it. Rather than having "you're nice, you're fabulous, you're one of a kind", which btw I already know, it is interesting with somebody who doesn't subscribe.
So during the party last Wednesday I learned that I have to paint the sides of the fireplace, which I left white for effect, and that the portrait I had painted of me showed "you look 20 years older". Bless him.
Honesty rules!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Cleaning lady
I'm tellin' ya. The art of finding a cleaning help that doesn't cheat on you, doesn't fail to show up or does the work properly is very, very difficult.
On Wednesday mine was supposed to show up at 12.30. 12.15 I got an sms saying she was sick with fever. That must've come on very suddenly. Why else would she not tell me earlier?
Of course my neighbour thought it was funny, since we both were unlucky with hiring that old woman who rejected me, and then never showed at the neighbours. But I think most of them are good the first 2-3 times, then their efforts somehow decline towards inefficiency.
Probably why they still have only cleaning jobs...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
So after watching the Eurovisions I went browsing on youtube and found some gems:
Who can forget this? Just love the way the woman tells her husband to shut up.
And this from the movie "as it is in heaven"?
Or this from the Commonwealth? And not to forget this.
And from the old times.
Not everything is better in Switzerland...
Triple Scandinavia
The other day I had dinner with a gay friend. And quite expectedly I got a review of this years contributions to the Eurovision song contest. I managed to move him on to previous years winners. What can I say? Scandiavia rules!
and ok, it was some time ago but they still rock
Sweden (and it's not Anna you idiot presenter, it's Agneta!)
Having a friend moving in with me tomorrow for a few months. His flat is being renovated. In order to let the neighbours know who will be coming and going in the house, I figured I'd host an informal apero the first day to introduce him.
Attendance list now exceeds the number of neighbours. Haha! I love it. If all come who said they would, we'll be 15 people.
Darn, I should've booked the cleaning lady for Thursday instead of tomorrow!
Monday, May 10, 2010
I have this method of learning German. I try to hear when it sounds right, rather than learning why it's supposed to be 'ein', 'eine', 'einer', 'einen' or 'einem'. I guess because I don't really care, I only want to understand and make myself understood.
The problem is that I my hearing when it comes to German almost always seems to be wrong. I really suck at grammatics.
So it was a good thing today when I got homework to do, insert "in-between"-words into a sentence including "Hauptsatz" and "Nebensatz", that I was invited to dinner with a German. Tomorrow I will deliver a flawless report! Ha!
After having pain in my arm for about 6 months I finally dragged my ass to the doctor. There was good news and bad news. Good news is I now know what it is. Calcium in my shoulder, meaning the bones are gnawing at each other without tendons and ligaments to protect. Friggin painful I tell you.
Also good news is that there was nothing I did. Cause is not frivolous lifestyle, nor is it food- or drinkrelated. Not even age, even though I think that might have an influence. Who has ever heard of a 6-year-old with calcium in their shoulder?
Bad news is that if the medicine I got to take for 10 days doesn't help, I will need cortisone injections. Surely that cannot be good. And if the cortisone doesn't help, I will need surgery. Hmmm. Not too happy with that.
Had an x-ray where he pointed out two tiny spots where the calcium has chosen to have a party. Funny thing was that my left shoulder, which I do not have any problems with, had a malformation. Huh? Thinking back I suppose it could have come from the time when I was a youngster and had a fall when doing a loop in gymnastics. Should've known already then that sports are no good.
Anyway, having a sonogram next week "to make sure the ligaments aren't about to pop". What!?! Is that an option? That sounds REALLY painful.
Story to be cont'd...
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Other old friends
Having a few friends coming to stay in May and June. It's a bit of a juggling act, but I have managed to make it work. First friend moves out Monday morning, next friend moves in Monday evening. So was the plan.
Until this friend who called me today. He is planning on transporting himself from Amsterdam to Zürich, thinking train would be a good way. Yeah, I guess it is if you want to spend 8,5 hours travelling.
So I guess there will be plenty of time washing the sheets before the he arrives. And here was I thinking that he would have to sleep in my bed...
Catch-up with an old friend
You know how it is. Life takes over, you move and move on, you are busy. All of a sudden it's been years. This afternoon I corrected it with an old-time friend. I called her. We used to live in the same apartment building 1991-1995 before I left my home country. I then kept my flat for more years than I should've but I digress.
Anyway, it was like yesterday when speaking to her. We share so many fun (and some not so fun) memories.
Oh the parties. We were 26 apartments in the same building, sharing one garden. The parties we used to have there were unbelievable. That's where I almost put fire to the building (finishing my cig in a plastic flower pot, that two hours later caught on fire! Fortunately an attentive neighbour saw it, and flushed some water on it!). That's where one woman almost divorce her husband. That's where we were sunbathing (that one day in the year when it was nice weather), that's where the Polish woman used to bring us some of that undrinkable vodka-like stuff. That's where we had many, many enjoyable evenings together.
The memories. I'm getting really nostalgic!
Had some friends over for lunch the other day, one of them bringing an attention-seeking baby. As soon as she was left alone, she was crying. When I went over, stared at her disapprovingly and said shut up, she smiled. Then I inserted the "stop-knopf" (teat) and she was quiet for a while until she lost it. How difficult can it be?
It's what I always thought. Babies are not very intelligent.
An appliance that is really out of fashion (out of laziness?) is the mangle. I miss it. When I was little we used to have one first in the shared wash room in the basement, and later one of our own.
To go to bed in freshly mangled linen, have old-fashioned cotton towels crisp as paper, that is quality if you ask me. If I only had an extra room I would have my own mangle, but I guess that would be considered luxury.
And my late beloved grandmother used to mangling linen for a living! Imagine that.
Started a German class this week, and have been named TGV by the teacher. It's not because I am necessarily right all the time, but I'm very fast. We are 12 in the class and I always finish my assignments first. Short attention span I guess. I need action.
The class is focused on writing, which I suck at so guess should pay more attention. It's not the vocabulary but the friggin grammatics. From the bottom of my heart, I HATE German grammatics!!
PS. Learned from a neighbour that TGV means Tequila-Gin-Vodka. Haha! I can imagine myself having a shot in class...
Holy shit. I bought some mountain cheese on sale, and I thought I would faint when opening it. Stinking does not even describe it! There should be warning signs on the package!
Funnily enough it didn't taste bad, but the smell was hanging in the air for like an hour. But now I know, stay away from mountain cheese!
Saturday, May 08, 2010
A gregt night
Freudian slip? I dunno know but in my guest book it says so. I have no complaints, since friend cooked and for once I could enjoy my bar. From the other side. Ok, so the kitchen looked like my ex-man had cooked (i.e. a catastrophe area) but still. It was enjoyable.
And as you can see friends got tired of the blue light, and changed it to be a more welcoming 'red light district'. Just like in Amsterdam...
Friday, May 07, 2010
The block
Some of my time I spend with a fairly new friend of mine. She only speaks German, and practically no English. This makes me being inferior in every discussion, since I'm the one looking for words and using incorrect grammatic all the time (her husband told me they have good laughs about my sms's, insensitive bstrd!). Not that she makes me feel that way, but still.
This new friend reads my blog with the help of google translation, and after one of the items she texted me: "I think you described that really well in the block". Hahahaha! Very satisfying. I make plenty of mistakes in German. She makes them in English. It's only fair!
An afternoon earlier this week. Couple of friends over, homemade (not by me mind you) lasagna and a glass of red wine (or two).
Problem was I then fell asleep for several hours, waking up at 20.15 and of course not being able to sleep again until after 4 in the morning. Not very wise. But very good lasagna.
Monday, May 03, 2010
English vs hmmm normal
Really. Would you prefer a plate of greesy fries generously sprayed with vinegar and salt, or a fresh salad with bits of bacon, lettuce, cucumber, tomato and French dressing together with freshly baked crispy bread?
I know the answer. Only people with English as a first language would go for the fries...
A frozen rabbit moment
But when I introduced friend to a guy in the band the moment froze (remember this?). She: "I know you". Him: "you used to be my student".
And in this moment I had many thoughts, like 'gosh, I hope she wasn't a complete asshole who pissed her teacher off', and 'perhaps I should've brought another friend?' or 'what if he isn't a good teacher?'.
But all is well that ends well, and it turned out fine. They actually did like each other. Pheewww!
Sunday, May 02, 2010
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