Sunday, February 20, 2011


Was meeting with my neighbour today to discuss the minutes from the building association meeting we had a few weeks ago. It is written in German. We are supposed to go through the paragraphs and if we do not object, the minutes will be approved of in a month. I read through it, and found only three things that were not correct. Two things were spelling mistakes, which is really funny considering I am not fluent in German. The last thing was about my cats, my future cats, that I wanted to get into the minutes to avoid problems in the future. My neighbour pointed out that I should insist of having "some time in the future" re my cats rather than "next year". Thanks for that. But the really important thing was that the real estate guy hosting the meeting wrote in the minutes that 1000/10000 of the owners were present. That is 10%. We are four owners. So even if one of the guys is really skinny, it is not correct. In minutes, that will be preserved here in Switzerland until the end of time, you have to be very precise. 10% of the owners mean that anybody in the future can object to the decisions that were taken and agreed on. No good. So the real estate guy now has an email from me. Are you surprised?

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