Monday, February 07, 2011


Yesterday I was invited to a friend for brunch. We had the works. Eggs, bacon, toast, gipfelis, marmelade, coffee, tomatoes and mushroom. A real English one. We decided it was such a good idea, that we want to repeat it. Talked to some friends today, and they agreed. Every other Sunday, or perhaps every third Sunday depending on agenda. Reminded me of Utrecht. We were a group of friends who alternated making brunch. Only, in the end we just got tired of all the shopping, cooking and preparing so we ended up meeting at 12 o'clock every Sunday in a pub. Googled it, and lo and behold, it still exists. De Poort. But when we used to go there, it was can I put it...genuine. But it was fun. Four nationalities meeting in Utrecht. We ended up speaking all sorts of languages, especially later in the afternoon when the brunch was done and we reverted to "perhaps we should have a beer?" at like four or five. Good memories.


Anonymous said...

wow, I can't believe you'd meet at a pub at 12 and not have a beer until 4 or 5!

Witchbitch said...

As I remember we usually had quite a few the night before, and needed some time to recover...