Wednesday, February 02, 2011

I'm zorry

Have been watching a couple of investing journalism programs about IKEA. They try to get at "poor" Ingvar, just because he buried some billions of money in Liechtenstein. Did anybody really doubt that he was rich? And that he made a few bucks on selling his furniture around the globe? Well, if anybody did, they were stupid. What the journalists really are upset about is that he didn't admit it. He kept on claiming he was "poor", having given away the IKEA rights to a foundation in Holland. So what I say? Would you feel better if the guy who furnished more or less the whole world would be living in a shack? Anyway, the reason I'm writing about it is that they had a German professor giving hiz opinion, and hiz English was hilariouz. I'm sorry, but if you want to be taken zeriouzly, learn ze language ;). PS. Not talking about grammar here, since my German lacks a bit of zat.


Anonymous said...

ha ha, I was wondering how long it would take for you to comment on the stories about your hero Ingvar. Of course everyone knows he's rich but they all thought he was such a good guy too, and lo and behold he's just as dodgy as every other businessman hiding his money so he doesn't have to pay tax like the rest of us suckers.

Witchbitch said...

He does pay taxes, but like every other smart person he's paying as little as possible.