Friday, February 18, 2011


When I was operated on some 7 years ago I had a small argument with my insurance company. They refused to pay the taxi ride home from the hospital (not part of the policy), disregarding that I saved them thousands of francs going home a day early. It wasn't about the money, I just thought it was stupid. But I didn't want to prolong the argument over something so small. My next contact with them is now because of my operation. And since I can use some of the money I paid for deduction in the tax return, I sent them an email asking for an overview of the cost. The next day I received it on email. Unfortunately some of the bills were missing so sent another request for an updated version. A day later they called me to say everything is in process, and that I will receive the new version in about a week. Think about how easy it is to resolve a conflict just by communicating! Well done Assura.

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