Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friends and the opposite

Had a couple of phone calls recently. Both of them were about checking on me, how I was doing after the operation. However, they were from completely different angles. One of them has known that I have been sick, and hasn't cared in three months. All of a sudden she wanted to know how I am. The other one didn't know I had surgery, only learned a couple of weeks ago. Poor Peter. And yet he called to just check that I was fine. The difference between friends and...hmmm...others.


Anonymous said...

Hej! Visste inte att du varit inne på en operation -> har inte kollat din blogg på länge.
Nå, kollade nu lite bakåt. Armen verkar det som... Hoppas du mår bra och allting fixar sig!
Kram, Merete

Witchbitch said...

Thanks, you're the good kind of a friend ;).