Thursday, March 24, 2011


I have people laughing at me because I keep the final slice of the soap bar, then put it together with the next slice in order to use the absolute most I can when showering. Saw a show tonight about how much we actually throw away because we cannot get the stuff out of the packaging. Think creme, think youghurt, think toothpaste, think shampoo, think anything that's not runny. Seemingly we throw away up to 10% of anything in a package, like tetra pak. I understand this is good short-term biz, but environmentally it sucks. Think I will keep on putting together my slices of soap.


Anonymous said...

argh, that drives me nuts - when there's plenty of cream or whatever left in the container but you can't get it out. So much packaging seems to be designed deliberatly so you can't get the lid off or get the last bits.
as kids we used to have craft projects getting all the last slivers of old soap and melted them down together to make new soap.

Witchbitch said...

And do you still put slivers of soap together?