Thursday, March 03, 2011


After recent events in my family, I have decided to take control of my own investments. I own a few shares and funds and have previously always taken the standpoint "it's good when it is growing and I don't lose money, but I don't care how it's happening". Now I do. So went to my new (since a few years) fabulous bank ZKB (Credit Suisse, go screw yourself!) and sat down with my advisor a couple of weeks ago. I cannot guarantee she will make me rich, but at least I feel fully informed and in control of my own finances. Even thinking of including her in my circle of friends. This can only happen in Switzerland. In no other country I lived in do people take their job this seriously, and deliver as promised. Gosh, I really love Switzerland!


Anonymous said...

cool, I need to do this too, But it always seems so hard to figure out. Still I reckon I can still manage to find useful, dedicated advisors even outside of Switzerland

Witchbitch said...

If not, you can always move back!