Monday, October 22, 2012


I don't understand kids. I really don't. I find them unintelligible, and sometimes, excuse my language, just plain stupid.

I mean, today an infant skyped me, smiled and gurgled. How am I to interprete that? Is she happy to see me? Is she disgusted? Does she have gas? How the heck am I supposed to know?

The other kid that came across my radar today had done a painting for me.

Now seriously, am I supposed to frame it and put it up on my wall?

Nope, kids are not my thing. But it's not gonna stop friends from having them. Now who has the bigger stomach?


Anonymous said...

ah yes, I can imagine how irritating and awful it is to have someone smile at you or make you pictures.

So annoying that not everyone was born knowing everything already and some have to learn it

Witchbitch said...

Yes isn't it? Hehe.