Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Welcome to 2012

Friends of mine (even though I'm thinking of de-friending them) own a flat. They are renting it out, and looking for tenants. The top contenders were academics, doctors and the like, and were more than able to pay for the, frankly quite expensive, rent.

Yet they were turned down on account of being gays. Owners being religious. Whatever happened to "jesus welcomes all", and to be tolerant?

Nah, I don't buy their BS about "it's not about the people, it's about their way of living".

The more I think about it, the more I want to not mix with these people anymore. Hypocrites.

I think homosexuality stopped being regarded as a sickness in the 70's, at least in the Western world where we live.

My only hope is now that their youngest son turns out to be gay. Wouldn't that be a laugh?


Olzer said...

That is unbelievable!!!!! I cannot believe that they would even express such a point of view, especially in the current more accepting times! On one sense, what a ridiculous business mind! Gays always take care of, and keep very clean, the environment that they are in....are very often good earners....with no huge demands (other than fashion :-)) on their salaries. And lastly....their problem about "their way of living." How hyprocritical! Religion has in the past promoted and was used as an excuse for war! Religion has given others the excuse to shun and not accept people for being different! It has promoted intolerance and ill treatment of the minority. Look at how Jesus was treated...for being "different." They are doing the same cruel act onto people others were doing to Jesus....and they call themselves Christian...a follower of his ways!!! Ok...will stop on that point. But just to say....that I am not against has many positive qualities....but I hate it when people use it as an excuse to mask their own prejudices etc......
And homosexuality stopped as being a "sickness".....I wish that were true. Just some few years back I was accused of being ill....and needing some form of "treatment..." :-(

Witchbitch said...

I knew this item would fire you up!

Olzer said...

Sure did!!!!! I hate people attacking the minority, no matter who, what or how they are.....pisses me off :-)

Witchbitch said...

And I was sorry when I heard, I am very fond of my gay friends. As you say, clean and fun, always up for a good party.

Anonymous said...

wow, thats pretty bad, and yet not so surprising in Switzerland. When we were leaving our flat we found the owner a very good tenant - Professor at the ETH, quiet, good income but the owner wouldnt take him 'cos he was from Iran. Instead he took a Swiss student who ended up not being being able to afford the rent

Witchbitch said...

Served them right!

And just to add: I want to live in a society where everybody is accepted, as long as they are not hurting others. So even though I'm an atheist, I think I'm more of a Christian than those neighbours!