Friday, October 19, 2012


What we the public have heard throughout many years is that the farmers get subsidies, and that they live a good life. Ha!

I am not a farmer, and have no wish to ever be, but getting up at 4 or 5 in the morning, day in and day out (I'm guessing cows don't take holidays) milking cows, getting rid of their shit, doing the paperwork associated therewith, and in general taking care of farm, is something we should value much more.

I am not entirely certain what a liter of milk costs, even though I buy it, but my guess is 1.60-1.80 francs per liter. I would be willing to pay twice as much for a liter of milk, and be happy to do so.

I really don't want to think about the day, when there is no milk to buy, 'cause all farmers have gone bankrupt. And no, I don't want Switzerland to import milk from countries with less regulations.

So instead of paying for diseases and possible pandemics, I am more than happy to pay a franc more for a liter of milk. Now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

me too! I dont get why milk has to be so cheap and farmers have to go broke. Peopel whould be mroe willing to pay the real costs of things