Monday, October 15, 2012


I grew up on homecooked, healthy food. Much healthier than I eat today, when I sometimes fail to cook myself, and revert to buying either fastfood or unhealthy equivalents.

Anyway, when I was young in my teens my nails were bad. They tended to split, and were frail.

These days, my finger nails are so strong I have to cut them. They hardly ever split, and if I was a girly-girl I could have them painted and very long, and look like a...well I was gonna say lady...but nowadays I just think it looks cheap with overly long nails.

The downside is that my toenails (oh aren't you happy I share this with you?) are getting thicker and harder to cut. Even if they are my own, I find it rather disgusting.

And when you know that nails are just hardened skin, it gets even more yuki.

Just in case you wondered about nails.

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