Friday, October 05, 2012


When I was younger I was quite adventurous. Not in terms on skydiving or bungyjumping, I have no death wish, but I took every opportunity that came my way.

Nowadays I have been accused of not wanting change, and not trying out new things.

Well, today I tried a new drink and I am trying a different way of making cinnamon rolls! How's that for daring :)?

Seriously, it comes a point where you have tried a lot, done the things you want, seen a lot of places, met many, many people and I don't think it's anything wrong with changing lifestyle.

Besides, even if you disagree I don't care. I'm beyond caring what other people think. Except if you're a friend of course. Then I do care and I look forward to a heated discussion!


Olzer said...

New cinnamon rolls recipe....I want a taste test!!! :-)

I hear what you are saying about change.....and I must admit, the older I get....the more I realise that certain things in my life I do not seek a change....e.g. friends. Now I am more clear about who my friends I do not necessarily go out to try new things to make new friends, I have some excellent ones and I am fine with what I have. However, I am open to a new person coming into my life (even crazy Swedish people :-)), and if that happen...BONUS! :-).

Change...can be a good or a bad thing. For me...change in ones life is like adding a new flavour or spice to a never know what will happen, and there is no harm in trying. You can eat spag bolognaise day after day.....boring...but a little change like adding some chilli....can make such a difference to the same dish...and it did not cost a lot of effort...for a big change :-). Gosh....I still have my mind on food!

The older I get, the more I realise that I am increasingly resistant to change. However, taking the analogy above.....I want to always have a bit of spice in my I accept that sometimes, I must welcome change even if I do not want to...and lazy to....think there is no point in it... ;-).

Witchbitch said...

Oh my, you should start your own blog! You have a lot to say ;).

Olzer said...

hehehehehe :-). Then I would bore people too much! Small doses :-)