Saturday, May 12, 2007


So my boat went into a shipyard today for renovation. I was a bit worried since a friend who is even less experienced than I am was taking my boat there. Had my mobile on the whole morning, but heard nothing. At last we had a break (after more than 2 hours class without a smoking break! And this with a teacher who is a smoker. What is wrong with her?) and I phoned. Turns out all went well. Even though it was windy this morning. I so wonder if he told me the whole story though :)


Anonymous said...

... it was really very windy, even on the lake not to talk about the wharf. but finally i made it, without a problem - beginners luck? no - there are some multitasking men existing out there. any one esle? ...

Witchbitch said...

Happy to hear that everything went fine. Multitasking men? I don't know many...

Anonymous said...

... am i the only one? someone else?

Witchbitch said...

You are the only one.