Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Yesterday I made cinnamon rolls, and thought I'd offer some to the people in our little house community. Saw one person online, so asked via Skype if they wanted some. "Yes", he said, "but my wife is already in a pyjama, so if you don't mind I'll come over". It was three minutes to seven in the evening!

I think perhaps between us in this community of 14, there is always somebody awake! At least it will be in a couple of weeks when a new baby will make its entrance. Unfortunately said baby will reside in a bedroom right on top of mine. Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

I quite often change into my pyjamas as soon as I get home from work if I know I'm not going out, especially in winter. But then again I wouldnt care if my neighbour saw me in them.

Witchbitch said...

I guess she didn't want to go out, but still. Seven o'clock is early for me, who usually goes to bed at 1-2 in the morning.