Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Since some time I had trouble flushing the water out from the washbasin in my bathroom. It is easy to understand why. My blonde hair is difficult to see against a white background, and the cats like to lie in the washbasin. Also, one time I lost an emery board right down the drain.

In these times of need it's good to have handy friends, who don't mind unscrewing the whole thing and with their hands getting all the muck out. Yikes, I can't even look at it!

So now the water is flowing freely again, only there is the tiny problem of a slight dripping from the pipe. But 1. this problem can be solved and 2. I much rather have a slight dripping than no flowing at all.

And tomorrow the cleaning lady is coming so no need for me to do any cleaning after the pipe work. Unfortunately it's her last day, so I'm sure there will be more to write about cleaning in the future.

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