Monday, May 07, 2012


I need new pants, since the old ones have been worn out. Ripped and big holes in. Not a pretty sight of somebody, well my age.

But I detest going clothes shopping, and when I finally make myself do it, I never find anything that fits comfortably. Why are all pants these days low-cut? I don't get it. Is it only me who has a belly to tuck in? I refuse walking around in low-cut pants with flabs of flesh hanging out the sides. Very unappetizing!

Currently I wear the same skirt day in and day out, the only thing that's comfortable. Only poses a problem when I have to wash, what will I wear then?


Anonymous said...

and they're all skinny leg and tight, which suits abot 3% of women, argh, I hate shopping for pants

Witchbitch said...

Legs has never been a problem for me, except for being too long sometimes. It's the belly it boils down to with me.

Ah well, there are after all bigger problems in the world. I think :).