Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Paint samples

Oh the choices. Sometimes it was better before when there were less to choose from. Don't mean it of course, but this will be difficult. Choosing the exact right colour for my showers. Will have to consult some friends.

Problem is the sample colours are small and it's a tad difficult to visualize what it'll look like painted. Also, looks different depending on light, daylight or nighttime, strength of dimmer light and so on.

Input anyone?


John said...

Read this first. Most important part of painting Shower tile, is that you have to sand it all using a fine grain sand paper, clean all of the dust from that process..and then apply the primer. As it says, you must be prepared to not use the bathroom for at least 2 weeks while these special paints and primers dry properly. If they don't dry completely, the humidity in the bathroom will cause the paint to bubble and come off...big mess!

Witchbitch said...

Yes, the shop told me that preparation is the most important part. Was thinking of doing the guest bathroom shower first to learn from possible mistakes. That one is not used so often.

Olzer said...

To help visualise the colour, how about take a pic with iPhone, transfer to photo shop and then paint in a diff colour? Otherwise would go with earthy colours, blue, green, slate, block colours and then bring in texture with accessories and/or the odd artistic tile to break up the block colour. Or how about those strips of mosaic tiles you can now buy?

Witchbitch said...

Had two friends suggest colours, and separately they suggested the same. Am gonna go with a grey tone, fitting both the floor and the walls.

Mosaic is nice, but not sure it would work on the existing tiles.

Olzer said...

Grey is nice.....have seen grate slate bathrooms and they can look so classy. Large tiles and then areas of narrow strips of black/white and grey...or a subtle colour....can be yummy.