Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Painting tiles

Omg, just spent an hour at the paint shop being instructed how to paint the tiles in the showers. It's "combination paint", meaning after cleaning immaculately, two different sorts of "grounding paint" has to be mixed and because of a chemical reaction starting when mixed, has to be used within some 6 hours. It's 5 parts of one, and 1 of another.

This now will smell and has to dry with an open window, which is not a problem in my bathroom, but in the guest bath. How to keep the cats out?

After a day or so, the floor needs to be scrubbed with a special thingie, then another combo paint mix has to be applied, which is the actual colour, and if too thick, a thinner has to be added.

This is about where my brain logged out, and stopped listening, and I started to regret the whole thing.

Anyway, I now have 5 cans of various very poisonous paint and whatsit, together with a large number of accessories, that the shop told me I need. And it all ended up being about twice as expensive as first quoted. But at least they gave me instructions in writing, including German words I don't even know in English.

Ah well, if this isn't a challenge I don't know what is!


Olzer said...

Rather you than me......yikes!

Witchbitch said...

So can I read between the lines that you're not a volunteer :)?

Olzer said...

Hehe. If you need help of course :-). But the last time I painted in my Sisters house I got demoted to tea duty :-) . So hire me at your own risk!!:-)

Witchbitch said...

Well done! Now I definitely don't want you near any of my bathrooms :).