Monday, May 14, 2012


It seems I have gotten into a baking period lately. It is not too difficult to understand why. First I've got a fab kitchen with lots of space, and second I seem to have some time on my hands.

Only I ran into a wee problem. There doesn't seem to be any "sirup" in Switzerland. Not the "sirup" mixed with water that children drink, but a more thick "sirup" used for baking. Hmmm. So had to think, and came up with a substitute. Honey. Same consistency and kinda the same sweetness.

Not bad actually. OMG, am I turning into a housewife? Next thing you know I'll be shopping around for aprons!


Anonymous said...

I remember hunting high and low for golden syrup (which I assume is the same as what you want) when I lived there but can't remember what solution I came up with. It wasnt honey though

Witchbitch said...

Ah yes, golden syrup. Guess I have to import it.