Tuesday, May 29, 2012


When I was little I remember my Dad coming back from (a totally unnecessary if you ask me) military service, having done three weeks in the bush some secret place. Since he knew my aversion to being dirty, he enjoyed to explain quite vividly how they hadn't washed in weeks. In hindsight, I realized he was exaggerating, but back then, I was really appalled. I think with each stint, the stories got worse.

Was thinking about that yesterday, when I had no plans whatsoever, and decided not to wash or shower at all for the whole day. Cannot remember when that happened the last time. Ok, so I wasn't doing any physical exercise (do I ever?), but still. I can honestly say that the shower including washing my hair this morning felt goooood.

So even if I enjoy men in uniform, I certainly don't wanna be one myself!

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