Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Since flatmate didn't pick up on hint a new ironing board did not materialize on Monday. Possibly a good thing, since today i got a letter from Migros saying "your new ironing board cover is now available" - well, it didn't say that exactly, it was more like "bestellt, geliefert, stuckpreis, buegeltischbezug" (not even ze Swiss has ü on their keyboard...hmmm...interesting :).

And since a good friend of mine visited this evening, it is now all fixed. Instruction in German, so I wanted to make sure I understood it. Turned out Swiss friend was not a manual-reading type of person either, but we got it together. See for yourself.
Now the only tiny remark I have is the pattern...there wasn't exactly a choice...


Anonymous said...


In this particular case you cannot demand anything more than just having one. Forget the goddammed pattern!

And many thanks to your good friend.
Now the story is definitely at its end :-))

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

Yes, no more ironing board stories :)