Sunday, March 18, 2007

3 friggin weeks

Just realized I have been on the diet for three weeks. In 21 days I haven't eaten potatoes, rice, pasta or white bread. No chocolate or sweets, no icecream. No cheese. Just a heck of a lot of vegetables, meat, fish, fruit etc. I would've thought I'd lose more but I guess the body gets used to less food. Well, I don't know how much I lost but can feel it must be a few kilos, maybe 3-4. Not about to give up yet, even though I really crave something sweet! I now eat my own words, persistance :) at least I get to eat something!


Anonymous said...

"3 frigging weeks"

You know the elder we are the longer it takes...:-))))

And obviously: additionally the body changes its "own comfortable weight" with the years. Unfairly it’s not getting less but every couple of years one to two kilos more!!!!

Wrong system :-))

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

Indeed! It also seems that women have more difficulties losing weight than men. It is not fair. But I'm still not ready to give up. I WANT to look good in a bikini this year :)