Thursday, March 22, 2007

A cloud with a silver lining

The ONLY advantage of this cold weather (today 2°C) is that the white wine stays cold on the balcony and doesn't have to take up space in the fridge. I HATE cold weather. I'm a summer girl (ok then woman if you insist). I wouldn't mind having summer all year around. If I didn't like Switzerland so much I would move, like I always said I would. But then I think of my boat, the summer on Zürichsee, the picnics, the going out with friends, the dinners, the social activities and I am quite happy again. Last week I was walking around barefoot in my flat, nice and warm, summer sandals out. And then WHAM! Snow, cold and unpleasant. If I thought it would help with praying, I friggin would get religious. But I guess it's just a waiting game...


Anonymous said...

"A cloud with a silver lining":

Wasn't that the warmest winter on record? Be grateful!

... and praying will certainly get you nowhere...

Witchbitch said...

Looking out the window this morning I agree. Bet it's like 2 dm snow since yesterday. OUCH!!

Anonymous said...

"Cloud with a silver lining":

After today, I stand corrected. Today's snow wasn't in order...

Witchbitch said...

Nope. Just hope it'll go away soon.