Sunday, March 18, 2007


So after cruising town this evening, I ended up in my usual place. Surprise (and those of you who are surprised now, raise a hand...thought so, nobody :). Anyway, was speaking to what I thought was a couple who ended up not to be. He was 6 days from being 40 (amazing what people tell you when you don't ask!) and she was 20. It's not like I had anything against the age difference, but they really were not a couple. She was spending most of the evening sms-ing her boyfriend. Anyway, it was funny because for once I felt tall. She looked to me to be something like 1,55 but in a proud voice she told me she was 1,60. Really? Well, I'm 1,65 and usually feel short but this evening I looked down on somebody. Only her "friend" was 1,90 so tomorrow I think I will have neck-pain...

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