Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Since I felt bad about the baked potato with the sour cream (and yes, it did appear on my hips this morning) I decided to walk into town this evening. It's about 20 min so no big deal, it's just that I'm usually too lazy. On the way I was going to post the letter saying thank you for inviting me (to the gay party)...and in friggin German...well sorta...since I know they will understand. Anyway, they've taken away the mailbox at the bus station so I thought I'd post it at Central (central place downtown Zürich). Underway I saw a yellow box. Hey I thought, I don't have to carry it all the way. Then I saw the sign for dogs, and realized it was a box for dog poo. Laughed at myself. Continued to walk but turned around again. Yes, it was actually a mailbox. Walked back and posted my letter. Moral of the story? Always trust your instinct, but be aware of dog poo :)

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