Saturday, March 24, 2007


Can someone explain to me why it is that when women cook for let's say 5 people the kitchen is still reasonbly clean (since we put away used pots and stuff while we're cooking) and when a man does the same the kitchen resembles a war zone? I have seen this now so many times, I'm starting to believe it's in the genes. Or is it just that women are so much more practical?


Anonymous said...


Women and practicality don't go together.

As for tidiness and cleanliness in the kitchen. You're forgetting about the homo's and us fine metero's... :-)

Witchbitch said...

Wow, there's a surprise. You, a metero :)??

Anonymous said...

... r in zh is right - he must be gayfriendly had have been invited to gay people for dinner. did you forget my kitchen? ...

Witchbitch said...

Are you my gay friend? If so, I cannot remember R in Z being at your place...

And if it's you, your kitchen is immaculate. Much more tidy than mine :)