Thursday, May 10, 2007


Sometimes I think I mix too much with gay people. All they talk about these days is the Eurovision Song Contest. Like I care. Well, just home quickly to change and get ready for another party in town. Forced to listen to it on telly. And must say Israel is not bad. Cool song. And not with a gay friend. With somebody who has un unhealthy (ok, so shoot me) interest in music :)...


Anonymous said...

what! how can you not care about the Eurovision song contest. call yourself a Swede!!

Witchbitch said...

And I guess you call yourself a gay :)

Anonymous said...

I say there's no way to have an unhealthy interest in music! And I would hope, there's more people which have any interest in music.

Witchbitch said...

Well, you should know better than to discuss music with me :)

Anonymous said...

... i really liked the drag queen from danmark - too bad she/he did not make it. brian

Witchbitch said...

Oh Brian...