Thursday, May 10, 2007


Discussion about what promille is in English. It's apparently 'per thousand'. Means I found a word that doesn't exist in English! Hurray. Anyway, there was an article in 20 min (a Swiss free newspaper) about the Swiss voting for keeping the 0.8 promille (per thousand for the slow readers:) limit on the lake. Last week I asked one of my boat teachers what that really means. She said about 2 glasses of wine. Oh dear. From my expression she tried to explain that if you eat something it may be more. Fortunately I can still park MY boat under the influence :)


Anonymous said...

ah, thats a typical conservative swiss response. here is Australia where we have had the 0.5 blood alcohol limit for a long time (well we say 0.05 given we use percent rather than 'promille') we say you can have two standard drinks in the first hour and one every hour after that and still be under 0.05, so to be under 0.08 its more than that. by the way this is not just the drunkards reasoning, its printed on official government advice too. (variation for body weight and food consumed). a standard drink is 1 glass of beer or 1 deci wine

Witchbitch said...

Do you by any chance have a phd degree? Too much info if you ask me :)