Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Much as I try I can only come up with one thing that is good with Zürich being this cold, that I can keep the white wine on the balcony instead of clogging up the fridge.
It's like being in a permanent freezer with no door out. I hate it!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Peace in the middle East
Today I was watching "West Wing" for the second time. This series was so before their time. The episode today was about trying to make peace in the middle East, at the same time reading on live news about the very same thing.
Truth is, it'll never happen. And you know why? People are stupid. They fight over a piece of land. A piece of fucking land! I tell you what. When I didn't like "my piece of land" I left. Which is exactly what these people should do. You don't like being shot at? So leave. You don't like your family being threatened? So leave. You don't like the way things are going? So leave.
That's all these people have to do. You don't like it? Leave. A piece of land is just a piece of land. Not worth dying over. And if everybody had a brain and used it, they would be gone. And all that would be left would be the fundamentalists. And I'll be happy to watch them kill themselves.
You know what they call a leader with no followers? Just a guy taking a walk...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy holidays
I really love having time off, being able to sleep in, hang around in pajama, eat, listen to music, watch tv, surf, just relax. Those are good times.
However, after having done that a few days it'll be good to get out a bit. Off to the countryside this afternoon to see Tina and then have dinner with some other friends.
Partytime is good too.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I can get (no) satisfaction
I don't know who said it gives more satisfaction to give than to get, all I know is that I don't agree. I get great satisfaction in getting.
Like tonight I got no less than 4 cd's with great music. Perhaps it was the email I sent some time ago, suggesting Bro to tank down my kinda music. Whatever it was, it worked. I am now the proud owner of songs like 'Smoke on the water', 'Losing my religion', 'Highway to hell', What's love got to do with it', 'Like a prayer', 'No woman no cry', 'Stairway to heaven', 'Every breath you take', 'Born to be wild', 'Livin' on a prayer', 'Great balls of fire', 'All you need i love' and the likes.
Me likey very much. And so will my future guests. Last dinner I had one guest even brought his own music!
Now I'm gonna rock on!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Love actually
Bro has a hang-up. Every Christmas he has to watch 'Love actually'. I'm not saying it's a bad movie, it ain't but I really do not like the ending. It's too hollywoodized, even though it's English. Too sweet, too much. It's English merged with American, and the English should know better.
But hey, it sells. So I guess I cannot complain, even though I've seen it gazillions of times now.
Favourite scene: when Hugh Grant playing the prime minister is singing a carol and his bodyguard turns out to be classy singer tuning in. Funny. They should've kept it at that.
Christmas has started
We plan a little pre-tasting Christmas food tonight. Marinated salmon, herring and boiled potatoes, a few egg-halves, some meatballs, a schnapps and a beer. Hurray for the holidays!
PS. And until I read the product description I didn't realize that the white balls on the front are supposed to symbolize snowballs and read '08. So much for having an imagination!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I am disturbed. The public transportation had the nerve to change the bus timetable. In good faith I went down tonight to get the bus, and imagine my irritation when seeing the bus time had changed two minutes forward! I cannot believe it.
A whole cigarette I had to wait. This is just not on!
Whenever I go out to my usual place I think of Madurodam. Madurodam is a park in the Netherlands where they have small displays of buildings, parks and life in Holland. It's like a miniature of everything.
That's exactly like my place in town. The people frequenting are young-old, ugly-beautiful, loud-quiet, short-tall, local-foreigner, drunk-sober (although gotty admit on a Friday eve that the former may have majority), men-women, black-white and tonight even a blind and a deaf. They have only one thing in common. They have fun. And that's not a bad thing. Whenever people can enjoy themselves together, it promotes peace in the world. Yes, I know it sounds pretentious but it's true.
In business life we should be able to apply this in a better way. Personally I would never hire anybody if I haven't seen them drunk. I think alcohol brings out the way people really are. They get what's called Dutch courage and say what they really think. Why wouldn't you want to know that in business life? Ok, so it may not be said in exactly the right way, but you'd get a whiff of what would be coming.
I take my place over any posh bar or place where you have to "behave", i.e. pretend to be somebody else. F... that!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Time management
My alarm clock is set some 5-10 minutes early. This means that when I am woken up by the alarm I am supposed to think I’m late. I don’t exactly know how many minutes it’s early, but I’m meant to be relieved discovering I am not as late as I thought. I feel relief almost every day.
Funny how some things you never want to learn.
Mind you, I wouldn’t have matter how early I’d have gotten up this morning. Zürich was covered in 30 cm’s of snow, and the public transportation company was utterly surprised. So surprised they decided not to run any buses at all.
Again I sent an email to them requesting exactly what measures had been taken since last time it was bad weather. Would it surprise you to hear I haven’t had an answer yet?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Spare time
I don't know what's happening to me. Yesterday I went shopping for two little Christmas presents to Bro, and today I bought about 5 kg's of spareribs for Saturday. I am becoming a planner. Usually I'm last minute. And being Tuesday and all, I should be on my merry way out and all I want to do is to pre-taste some spare-ribs, pour a glass of glühwein that somehow got leftover from the weekend and curl up on the sofa with West Wing. These are bad signs.
What I bought? One calendar with one post-it note per day for 2009 including a joke or a saying from "The Office", and one pair of jockeys. I was going to buy Calvin Klein, which I remember Bro had me shell out for a couple of years ago but I just couldn't bring myself to pay 49 Swissies for a pair of underwear. For myself I usually buy two pairs for 9.90 CHF in Migros. He will just have to do with Jockey for 19.90.
The spareribs are for Saturday. Am having 5 men over for dinner, and that should do it I hope. Was instructed to do something with meat and what is more meaty than real Swiss spareribs? And a lot of them too. Mmm, hungry now.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Salsa - at least trying
His name is Jan, and as it turned out it wasn't the first time somebody told him to eat faster. In fact, his mother was once asked whether his name was Janis or Isjan (Jan iss! Iss jan!). Which I know is only funny for German-speaking people what at this particular point in time I don't care.
And since they didn't know what a blog is, they agreed to have their photo posted here.
In good faith
It has an element of stress when you bring new friends to meet old friends. People who have not met each other before. That was made very clear tonight. Especially with new friends who are not entirely fluent in German.
New friend: "how old are you?"
Old friend: "how old do you think I am?" (and I agree here that it's the wrong counter-question but still).
New friend: "drei-und-neunzig".
This to German people mean 93, when he meant to say 39. And he will for always be known as the guy you cannot take anywhere.
Btw, I'm 32.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday night
A bit embarrassing really yesterday. Having a friend staying over the weekend (broken toe-guy) and because we'd gotten on the sauce Thursday, we ended up yesterday having dinner at home and then just crashing on the sofa watching telly. In bed well before midnight, sleeping like babies. On a Friday. I can't begin to tell you how low that feels.
Today however is another story. We started with glühwein just after noon, and we'll walk that road for the rest of today. First the Caribbean party and then in town. From here, it can only go up!
Friday, December 12, 2008
German to English for beginners III
Lesson 3:
Drei Schweizer Hexen-Schlampen, die sich wünschen geschlechtsumgewandelt zu sein, wünschen sich, Schweizer Swatch Uhrenknöpfe anzuschauen. Welche Schweizer Hexen-Schlampe, die sich wünscht geschlechtsumgewandelt zu sein, wünscht sich, welchen Schweizer Swatch Uhrenknopf anzuschauen?
Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss witch-bitches,wish to watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch-bitch which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch?
German to English for beginners II
Lesson 2:
Drei geschlechtsumgewandelte Hexen schauen sich drei Swatch Uhrenknöpfe an. Welche geschlechtsumgewandelte Hexe schaut sich welchen Swatch Uhrenknopf an?
Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?
German to English for beginners I
Lesson 1:
Drei Hexen schauen sich drei Swatch Uhren an. Welche Hexe schaut welche Swatch Uhr an?
Three witches watch three swatch watches. Which witch watch which swatch watch?
Dogs are men and cats are women
Excerpts from a Dog's Diary......
8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
6:00 pm - Oooh, Bath. Bummer.
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary......
Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.
They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a 'good little hunter' I am. Bastards.
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.' I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.
The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now.................
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Broken toe
Remember the guy who shoved his toe into the bed when last being out with me? Well, it turned out he broke it. Didn't stop him from doing the same mistake twice though, so tonight we enjoyed strawberry margueritas, pina coladas and white wine. And music. And dancing. And talking. And...I cannot remember what else.
It's Thursday is all I can say.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Cats and dogs
This is so funny. I met with M tonight, remember him? He frequently appeared on my blog when he was my flatmate. Anyway, M has met a new boyfriend. Boyfriend has a cat and a dog, but the dog seems to have shared custody so he hasn't been introduced to M yet, they've only been together for 3 weeks, M and the boyfriend, not the dog.
But that hasn't stopped them for sleeping together though (and why would it? M and the boyfriend if you didn't get it), but the funny thing was when M told me he was waking up in the morning, only to see a furball next to his face. M hates cats. Or so he always said.
Apparently this is no longer the case. "The cat is quite nice actually". On top of that M is going to be cat-sitting for 2 weeks in December when new boyfriend goes off on holiday. How sweet is that?
Monday, December 08, 2008
Advent calendar
I am jealous of this guy I know. His girlfriend has created an advent calendar including a present every day. So far he's gotten a shirt, a bottle of whisky, a bag, a pair of shoes, a tie and a couple of other things. I am looking at him thinking what he does in return for all this affection.
Money? Hung like a horse? Promise to marry her? What could it possibly be?
Oh yeah, I remember that thing called Lööööve.
Hmm I'm thinking. There is no free meal.
Twenty past
I have a talent, which consists of immediately forgetting things that are not important. Which is probably why I can read the same book several times, without being sure of how it ends. I have a hunch maybe, but I cannot be sure.
This is the same talent which makes me never remember when the bus goes home. I'm in town, I know the bus is every 12 minutes and therefore I cannot be bothered to remember. However, now in December when it's friggin freezing I wish I had remembered.
And the thing is I only have to remember 20 past, then I can calculate the rest. If it's 20 past, it'lll be 32, 44, 56 usw (und so weiter in German, meaning and so on in English). How difficult can it be?
When you're down the only way is up
I have never believed in anybody else making it happen for you. Trust nobody, and don't get disappointed type of thing. Which is why I decided that Monday wasn't gonna be stopping me from going out. And I can honestly tell you, that after:
Rock me Amadeus
Smoke on the water
Simply the best
Highway to hell
Losing my religion
Knockin' on heavens door
We don't need no satisfaction
Unchain my heart
Let me find my piece of heaven
I really feel better. And a litl bit drunk :). But hey, alcohol is like medicine. And since Switzerland recently voted against marijuana-like products but for free heroin and I have no intention of becoming an addict of any of those substances, I'm sticking to my thing. When you feel down, drink!
Caribbean party
It did cheer me up a bit though when I got invited to a Caribbean party next Saturday. Not sure if the theme is suitable for December, but a party is a party is a party. Am having a friend from England over for the weekend and I'm bringing him, so it'll be very interesting to see what he looks like in a straw skirt!
I envision pina coladas, caipirinhas, flowers, sand, heat and light. This can be fun.
Downward spiral
Feel a bit like I'm on downward spiral this winter. Everything same-same, go to bed, get up, do what I need to do, not much fun. Think it's all this cold and grey weather that gets to me. Not even in blog-mood.
Today an acquaintance of mine flew off to India for a month. Imagine 32° and sunshine for a whole long month. Makes me even more depressed. Why I am left here in freezing Europe? With three months to go before I fly off to warmer places.
Life's not fair in case you hadn't noticed before.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
You learn something new every day
...whether you like it or not. Today I learned that your arm span is usually shorter than your length, meaning if you elevate your arms out from your body in a 90° angle it's often shorter than your length.
I learned this today when borrowing a guys jacket and the sleeves went down to my knees.
What he didn't tell me was if fingers count, because if they do my span is 1.68 compared to my height 1.65, i.e. long arms. But what if cannot count the fingers? I have to find out.
But not now.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
IT Factory II
IT Factory I
This is, or rather was, a company in Denmark which last week got elected "best-growth-company" in the last year, getting prices left-right-center and being praised by Ernst&Young.
This week the CEO has allegedly run off with 87M$, and the chairman claims his signature has been forged. Yeah right.
The reason I doubt it, is that I've come across this chairman when working in Denmark. Not an honest bone in his body. Has probably hid the money in a safe country, waiting for everything to blow over, then living the good life somewhere. That'll be at least the second time he gets away with a scam like this.
CIA Interview
The CIA had an opening for an assassin...
After all the background checks, interviews and testing were done, there were 3 finalists; two men and a woman. For the final test, the CIA agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. 'We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair... kill her!!'
The man said, 'You can't be serious. I could never shoot my wife.' The agent said, 'Then you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home.'
The second man was given the same instructions.
He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about 5 minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes.'I tried, but I can't kill my wife.'
The agent said, 'You don't have what it takes. Take your wife home.'
Then it was the woman's turn...
She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman, wiping the sweat from her brow.
'This gun is loaded with blanks,' she said. 'I had to beat him to death with the chair.'
Women are crazy.
Don't mess with them.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Met a guy this evening, that I've come across quite a few times the last coupla years. He says he has a farm in South Africa and wants to invite me there next year when I'm in Cape Town. Hmmm.
Says he feeds vultures, to which I responded that vultures only eat dead animals. "So do you" he said. Good point.
Old friends
Talked a couple of old friends tonight, she's 88 or something and he just turned 90.
Me to him: "so have you been up to any mischief lately?".
Him: "no, unfortunately not".
Her: "I just got myself a scooter".
Good with people who don't give up just because the body doesn't always cooperate. They still go out to lunch or dinner on a regular basis, dressing up nicely. They take pleasure in little things.
We could learn from that.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Going nowhere
SBN decided that tonight was the night to go out. Perhaps he finally got it, after having lived with me for 2,5 months or it was another reason. Nevertheless, he ended up going out with me to my place.
And then we had a discussion whether I should exercise more. I don't exactly know why he brought this particular topic up (and had he known me better, he never would've) but he kept on pushing that I should walk more. Walk? If I don't have a goal, I don't walk. I don't see the point in walking for no reason.
The most pathetic thing I can think of is people who pay money to go to a gym to use a stair-machine. I walk in stairs every day for the purpose of going somewhere. I walk to the bus or tram or train for a reason.
"If you don't know where you're going, any path will take you there" or "If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know once you’re there?
But he was wise enough to shake on "agree to disagree". A clever man knows when to stop digging!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Borrowed a little gizmo over the weekend, a blood pressure measurer thingy. If you'd like I can now tell you my blood pressure at different times this evening. Even got so excited that I did a little excel-sheet for statistical purposes, that shows if I go above the recommended 140/90 it will flash a warning. Hehe. I'm becoming a geek.
Seriously, this is good fun. I will measure before and after eating, sleeping, drinking coffee or wine, after exercise (not entirely sure when that'll happen though), before and after everything.
I'm sure my doctor will be pleased with my sudden interest in my health.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Man in uniform
Was out for a while tonight. Imagine my joy when a policeman in uniform and all walked into the place. Was a bit distraught when he seemingly started to hand out money. Was looking forward to an authoritative move, but he only wanted to buy a cd from the band.
Turned out he'd been there yesterday. Why did I decide to stay home then?
No smoking
No smoking my ass. Was thinking about this tonight since even Zürich (et tu Brute?) will apparently be "smoke-free" some time in the semi-near future. Smoke-free my second ass, since it's smoke-forbidden they mean.
Was listing the pros and cons in my head.
They say it's scientifically proven that you die younger.
Non-smokers are boring. Even my brother who's a vivid non-smoker has realized that it's a good thing to go out and join the smoking corner at work, that's where you hear the news.
The smell is not always nice, but I must say I had few complaints at home. I usually have the windows open (unless it's friggin freezing).
I don't like the sound of "forbidden". I really want to brake "ze rules".
If you stop smoking at middle-age after having smoked most of your life, you will die within 5 years.
People who smoke are social, they like to be around other people, to chat, to have conversations, to socialize in short.
According to science they will die early and never impose on the social security system. Besides, here in Switzerland we have private healthcare, so if we get sick it's not financed by the government.
My grandfather was one of nine sieblings. He died early of heart problems. The only one of the nine who reached a decent age was the alcoholic. He also smoked. There is a funny story about this guy. He was sitting on the toilet smoking his pipe, lit it up with a match and threw the match in the toilet. What he didn't know was that his wife had earlier used acetone to remove nailpaint and a piece of cotton was met with his match. Ass on fire!
And most of all, I don't like people who tell me what to do!
So 5-4 to the smokers. I win. Again.
Blurry vision
About 8 years ago I had a laser operation done on both my eyes for nearsightedness. It was extremely painful. The actual operation was not since it took about 60 seconds per eye and I had local anaesthetic, but afterwards. Man!
I did one eye in December and the next one in January. Second eye I asked for morphine, which only helped slightly.
Up until 14 hours after the operation I was in serious pain. I couldn't see, the eye was rinning, I couldn't face light, I couldn't do much but just sit and wait for the pain to go away. It was awful.
Mind you, I looked pretty cool when I the third day was in the pub with sunglasses.
So it's safe to say that I'm a little worried now when I realize I start to see a bit blurry again. A couple of years ago I got glasses to use for long-distance like tv and to spot potentially interesting men the other side of the pub. But I was still fine with short-distance.
Still ok with short-distance but it's definitely more blurry on distance. Hmmm. No way I'm doing another operation. I was hoping that age would take its tribute, since I've heard that old people get long-sighted. Why can't my eyes understand that I'm getting older?
Credit Suisse sucks
Goodbye Credit Suisse and welcome Zürcher Kantonalbank. If there is one thing that gets me going it's stupid people.
I really don't want to deal with money. I want them invested, and I want good advice. When I say I want a safe investment because I need the money next summer, I really do not want to take a risk. Certainly not lose 15% of the investment. Credit Suisse can take their advice and shove it up their greedy ass. I'm moving my business, along with a couple of friends.
I shall laugh all the way to the bank when they fold. Mind you, they better wait a couple of weeks so that I have time to move everything.
Not that I think that the bank will fold because I move my business (nice thought though) but they are not doing at all well for the moment. Zürcher Kantonalbank is one of the few banks where the government guarantee your assets. Me likey!
I had a dream
The other night I dreamt that I was doing my tax return, but I couldn't sign because my hand didn't cooperate. When I woke up I had been lying on my hand and it was totally numb.
How weird is that? I don't even do my own tax return. And what does the dream mean? I would like to think it's not because I want to withhold taxes from the government (although the idea is not bad) but has a deeper meaning. I just don't know what.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Almost there
I had a thought how to turn this blog around tonight, but unfortunately it's too late to elaborate. If you cannot be arsed to wait, I understand. I can only be ready when I'm ready.
Famous boat
My boat is in the newspaper today! So ok, it wasn't exactly a featured article, it was something about a pink poodle on a building (!) but still one could clearly see the back of my boat :).
SBN is a goner
SBN has decided to leave me for a cheap rathole at the other end of the city! And yet again I must decide whether to have another flatmate or not. I think not for a while.
At least he gave me 5 days notice.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Good fun tonight
After experiencing the entire "tapestry" of life, I am now going to bed. In case you're interested...
Friday, November 21, 2008
1,300% profit
Met a friend tonight who had good news. He had just made 1,300% profit on a deal and pocketed loads of cash. So happy for him. He said dinner was on him.
Which was all nice and dandy until the restaurant rejected his credit card and it turned out he had 10 CHF in cash. Guess who had to pay?
But seriously, I'm extremely happy for him and wish him all the success.
PS. He did pay me back so no worries.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Standing or lying
Spent a good hour today with the architect going through whether the tiles in the bathrooms should be standing or lying, and how far up the wall the tiles should go. I guess it's good that they ask these things, since I'm the one who has to live with it, but still. It felt kinda unimportant.
Also turned out that the guy who advised me on tiles failed to mention that those I chose are not fit for the shower. So now they have to send me new samples, and once again I have to make a choice. I'm starting to believe this process is never going to be finished!
Out in the bush
Thanks for your comments on previous items, I am still thinking about the approach. In the meantime, when I still feel like it, I will share my little adventures and impressions with you as usual.
On the train coming back from the Zürich outback today I sat down in one seat of four available, minding my own business.
The train was kinda empty, but guess what. Two "gentlemen" from the "park bench" joined me. Don't think they had showered the last couple of weeks, but I am certain that they had been downing a beer or two since the place reeked. They were both pretty fat, and I was squeezed against the window. Oh joy.
And they didn't even offer me a beer!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Blog rethink
On 1st of December I have blogged for three years. And I feel it shows. The last couple of weeks I have felt no desire to blog, and that I have nothing to say. Nothing funny or interesting that is.
I once asked if I were to start blogging about different matters whether I should do it on the same blog or start another. If I remember correctly I got two answers. It was to continue on the same blog.
Problem I have with this is that I would have to expose myself more. Not sure I'm ready to do that. Let me think about it, and if you're reading, let me know what you think.
Met a guy today and we talked about how boring November is and how tired you are in the mornings (btw, ask SBN, he seems to have serious trouble getting up in the morning! Flashback from previous flatmate anyone?). Anyway, guy said "if only I get my coffee and my chocolate in the mornings I'm fine", to which I asked "you really eat chocolate in the morning?".
He looked at me like I was nuts saying "I have no chocolate inhibitions". Point well made.
Stupidity in all countries
Conversation overheard:
„In my country you become an adult when you’re eighteen, you’re no longer a teenager“. Excuse me? What about eighTEEN. Or nineTEEN?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Something I find extremely stupid is couples who share a mailbox or a website. SusanandMarkJones, LibbyandPeter dot so-and-so. It’s like these people do not have their own identity, and must show that they belong to somebody else. Bollocks if you ask me. I would never ever share my mailbox with anybody. Or my blog for that matter!
I wonder who they try to convince?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
And then...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Girls dinner
Having two girls over for dinner tonight. Taking the opportunity when I'm on my own to have some hopefully fresh gossip, a nice dinner and some wine with friends. And yes, we might have a chat about men...
Friday, November 14, 2008
You lose some
Think we might have had a few too many yesterday, at least the Brit. When home last night he hit his toe on the bed, remember saying “ouch”, then promptly falling asleep. When waking up this morning the bed was full of blood and he’d lost his toenail.
A British Buddha
The Brit didn't have enough of Zürich the other night, so tonight we gave it another go. As I learned to know him I was told the following.
1. He only goes out every 6 weeks because he has other interests.
2. On Mondays he coaches scouts.
3. On Tuesdays he does community service, and since I don't think it's because he's been ordered to so by a court I assume it's voluntary.
4. On Wednesdays he does something to do with Buddhism.
5. When in Zürich he looks happy.
Conclusion anyone?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A secret no more
SBN's sister just called. Turns out it's his birthday today, and he didn't say anything!
Happy birthday SBN! And have fun at the North pole.
Aggression is good
Don't know whether it's the weather or what, but I need something or somebody to get really angry with. I'm still furious with the bank, but still cannot be bothered to take it any further at this time (other than changing to another bank of course, goes without saying).
I'm quite irritated with Dell, since the new computer makes my modem freeze every so often meaning I cannot go online IMMEDIATELY. Yet I still haven't written to let them know.
Come on someone, make me angry! I have a good fight in me, and wouldn't mind yelling at somebody.
Like if some woman would ask me to lift her baby carrier including the baby onto the bus in rush hour. That would make my day!
SBN + Facebook girl = true?
Well, I dunno but he's off to see her this time over the weekend. And, Thursday-Monday classifies as a quite long weekend so it's probably serious. Or as easy as not getting any cheapo flights other times.
Doubt I will get any updates. He doesn't seem to respond to pressure of any kind. Strange man, to resist my persuasive powers.
Anyway, suspect the weekend will be non-stop partying. For both of us :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
And as it turned out it was a bit of a party in Niederdorf tonight. Not the over-the-top kinda partying, but enough for a Tuesday. I had the questionable pleasure of sitting next to a woman wearing half a palm-tree on her head. I didn't know whether to duck or put fire to it with my cigarette.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A friend of mine was going to a spa last weekend, so I asked him today how it was. He started to laugh, and this is why.
He arrived to this 4-star hotel, said the entrance reminded him of Fawlty Towers having not been renovated since the 70's. When he checked in, they told him he was late for a massage, even though he'd told them he'd arrive around 6pm. He accordingly refused to pay for the massage, which they after involving the duty manager accepted.
He got the key to the room, checked in, realized the bed had a duvet filled with feathers which he had told them he couldn't have since he's allergic. Went down to the reception to ask them to change it to a normal blanket or something, but was informed that the duvet had "artificial feathers". He went back to check, and on the duvet it said "100% goose feathers". Reception was told again to change.
He then decided to have dinner. They offered three choices, "meat", "fish" or "vegetarian" with no description to what it would be. The "meat" dinner contained really salty meat and overcooked vegetables.
Back in the room he realized they hadn't changed the duvet. Another trip to the reception revealed that no substitute for a duvet could be located.
This is when he decided to leave. So much for a relaxing luxury spa weekend!
Monday, November 10, 2008
11.11 11.11
I don't know how I could've forgotten, but I had. It's not like the date and time is difficult to remember, but it had not registered this year. Good thing I was reminded.
Tomorrow at 11.11 the guggenmusik is crowding the streets of Zürich.
Fasnacht is here. Equals party tomorrow. Good thing I started today, nothing like being prepared.
Another continent
Finally we got around to book the trip next spring. I know, finally, but the earlier you book the better the selection and prices. So in March off we go via Dubai to Cape Town. Nice to brake up the trip into two at least on the way there. I really do hate these long-hauls.
We have one day in Dubai, which I thought was enough. Don't wanna pour too much money into a place who doesn't allow women to vote.
Then two hopefully fantastic weeks in Cape Town. I just cannot wait!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Went to check on the boat today, and even though that tape I secured the cover with was a stroke of genious, it hadn't stopped the birds from shitting all over on the cover.
Well, as long as they don't come inside the boat I guess I cannot complain.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Friday evening blues
Whatever that means. Remember last Friday I was so tired, but through stamina had a really good evening at the Halloween party. Tonight, on the contrary, I was rested and on the go. The Oktoberfest thing yesterday got cancelled so slept 7 solid hours without even waking up once last night.
Yet, here I am. At home just after midnight, feeling the bed calling me. Yikes. But on the other hand, I'm in spirit not as old as SBN who went to the gym (!) this evening and then straight home. How sad is that for a 27-year-old?
Hurray, I'm still in the game!
Friday, November 07, 2008
Zürich calling Chicago
Doesn't exactly sound the same as Apollo calling Houston, besides there is no problem. Anyway, got a comment on the blog from Chicago, and if it is the person I think it is I'm happy. Contact after so many years.
C, if that's you, send me an email!
This brings back memories. Pizza party in Copenhagen, enchiladas in Copenhagen. In fact, everything happened in Copenhagen in those days. Good times. Happy memories.
Socks missing
And I don't mean Clintons cat. I mean my socks. The stuff you wear on your feet. Since throwing away a bag of clothes the other day (and no, I didn't play baglady when getting home), I've decided to throw away socks and underwear if there are holes in them or too worn. Mind you, I wear them first, then bin. Problem seems to be that every pair of socks I take on have holes.
I am about to be sockless.
Half a pill
Starting taking those blood pressure pills the doctor prescribed me some weeks ago. Today I talked to a paramedic I know and she tested the pressure without me having to go to the doctor and be charged half a leg. Good girl. Only turned out I still have too high pressure. Not dangerously high but too high for my own good.
And no wonder it is. The pills the doctor gave me are tiny, and I am only to take half each day. Gimme a big pill any day, the bigger the better right?
Girl recommended me to talk to the doctor before upping the dose. No way. From tomorrow on I'm on a whole pill!
Broken glasses
A couple of days ago my glasses broke, not the actual glass but part of the frame. It's a tad irritating to watch West Wing with the glasses hanging down on one side, so this morning i went to the shop. Figured with the difficulties I had to buy the glasses in the first place, they would probably want me to buy new ones or tell me that it couldn't be fixed.
Imagine my surprise when she told me to come back this evening, and that it would cost only 30 swissies. Great service! And in English too.
Service in Switzerland. Who would've thought?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
New bank
So possible new bank called me back today, realizing I wasn't "selbstandig". Suggested a meeting tomorrow, but told him that I'm going to Oktoberfest at which he responded "that would be nice but perhaps a bit too loud". I like them already. A bank with a sense of humour? Unheard of.
Decided I want to take a meeting with them tomorrow since the bank is located spitting distance from the Oktoberfest (convenient, ain't it?).
Don't think they realize how difficult a customer I can be...
Out with the 80's
Those of you who know me know that clothes interest me very little. Not at all in fact. However, being a tad economic I have trouble throwing away perfectly good clothes, even if they were bought in the 80's.
Tomorrow is pick-up-clothes-from-the-street-day, and I haven't gotten started yet. Think I better have a glass of wine, tend to get less sentimental then. Mind you, too much wine may make me unpack it coming home from the bar I'm going to tonight :)
Always the same
Why is it that it's always the same people who are fun and spontaneous? Like when you try to organize a going-out it's always the same ones shouting "YES!" and "of course" and "fun", whereas the others have various degrees of excuses.
Acceptable is "I'm on vacation in another country", "I'm already invited out" and possibly "I'm sick".
Not acceptable is "I have to wash this evening", "I'm watching tv", "I have to go to the gym" or worst of them all "I have to work".
Where is the fun in your lives people?
Obama went
So Barack did it. Good for the US. And good for the world. Let's hope that he now lives up to promises, but I think you have to go back to the days of Kennedy to compare the feelings people have for this guy.
Hope he's gonna address the economy, because without it nothing else matters. And my bank account can use a bit of a push right now...
Monday, November 03, 2008
Halloween IV
Halloween III
Despite several promises of sharing pics I have received absolutely 0 ditto, so you'll have to do with the ones from my telephone camera. But I gotta say, that I've never seen a house decorated like that. It was absolutely fabulous with hand-carved pumpkins with candles, scary stuff all over the place. Mind you, the people might have been the most scary of them all...
Complicated drinks
Something we learned at the Halloween-party. You take a small paper-bag filled with a powder tasting something like raspberry, lemon or mint. You pour the contents into your mouth, mix it with your saliva while going "mmm-mmm-mmm" preferrably loud. Then you take a shot of vodka, clink your glass with everybody elses, pour it into your mouth, shake your head vigorously as to mix the drink, and then actually swallow.
An extremely complicated way of drinking a mixed drink. And I can recommend not doing it twice!
Obama go
Saturday, November 01, 2008
The scream
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween II
Sometimes language can cause unexpected things to happen. I am currently extremely unhappy with my bank, so yesterday I sent an email to another bank saying I would consider moving my assets over to them. Unfortunately this bank only has a website in German (which indeed should make me a bit cautious, don't they want business?). Anyway. One of the questions in the form was "selbstandig" vs not. That means independent. And I thought, I'm very independent so ticked the box.
Today a senior corporate advisor called me. Turns out "selbstandig" means having your own business. He probably had a whiff of big money. Imagine his disappointment. HAHAHA.
Well, to be continued.
Public transportation
Was quite pissed this morning waiting for the bus 25 min! The bus is supposed to go every 5 min in rush hour, but an apparently unexpected snowfall put a stop to transportation. Big surprise to anybody who hadn't read the weather forecast. So not only was I pissed, I was pissed on. By snowy-rain.
Finally at my destination half an hour later than usual I felt a need to write to the Zurich transportation people to express my dissatisfaction. Mind you, I had calmed down a bit before sending the email so didn't really say what I meant (like fuck off you idiots, who cannot predict that more people use public transportation when it's bad weather), but was more inquiring whether they would consider extra buses/trams/trains when weather conditions so indicated.
This is the answer:
"For the VBZ it is clear, that if the weather is so bad, people use more often public transport. Extra busses were in rush hour, because of the individual car traffic. There were a lot of accidents, too.
The public work services as well as the VBZ were not able to do their work because of many reasons. Of course, the VBZ shoult give the passengers all information about the desturbances and this point was not done well. For that we are very sorry. Such bad weather do we have not very often and for that, we cannot buy many new busses, which are just in use one or twko days a year.
For the extra busses, we take the old busses, which we have in a high amonut. This day will be discussed by the VBZ and the other puplic transports. All details will we valued and they decide, what has to be done better next time. We hope, in future you will not have such a long time to go to work and we wish you a nice evening.
Best Regards. ZVV Contact".
This is the moment I go mellow. Somebody who cannot speak English fluently (much less spell it) takes the trouble to answer the same day. I cannot be angry anymore.
Communication rules!
People are good? Hmmm maybe different.
Lizard wine
13th Zürcher Oktoberfest
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
United Arab Emirates
Am planning a longer trip next year, and one of the airline companies we're looking at is the United Arab Emirates (gotta choose one that is not likely to go bankrupt before March next year!).
But looking at the stats I'm not certain anymore:
Women's suffrage denied or conditioned
Brunei — Women (and men) have been denied the right to vote or to stand for election since 1962.
Lebanon — Partial suffrage. Proof of elementary education is required for women but not for men. Voting is compulsory for men but optional for women.
Saudi Arabia — No suffrage for women. The first local elections ever held in the country occurred in 2005. Women were not given the right to vote or to stand for election, although suffrage may be granted by 2009.
United Arab Emirates — Limited, but it will be fully expanded by 2010.
Vatican City — No suffrage for women; while most men in the Holy See also lack the vote, all persons with suffrage in Papal conclaves (the Cardinals) are male.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_suffrage
Who's laughing now?
Well, it turned out the new wine salesman was not my type of guy. Not unpleasant or anything, but nobody you could crack a joke and have fun with. Perhaps because he only spoke the lovely "language" Switzedütch?
Anyway, he managed to wriggle 500 CHF worth of wine out of me. This better be good!
In the meantime, I stick to my housewine white Pinot Grigio for 4.90 a bottle...
PS. He gave me a gift in form of a special towel for expensive glasses. Guess I have to go and buy expensive glasses now.
Halloween I
Normally I wouldn't give a rats ass about this so called holiday, but since I'm invited to a party on Friday I have taken the liberty of changing my mind. After all, I am a woman.
SBN is invited too, together with Facebook-girl who incidentally is coming back to visit again over the weekend (true love, anyone?). So yesterday he asked if I had any glue. I couldn't possibly work out why he needed glue, but I am very curious as to how he plans to dress up to the party.
Myself I have as usual pushed the problem in front of me, but guess I have to go and shop for something tomorrow. I was told "it doesn't have to be a whole costume, but something "halloweeny"". Gee, thanks for the tip. And no, I have no clue as to what to wear.
Teaching men to sit
Normally this is a walk in the park, but with SBN this appears to be a bit more of a difficult task to accomplish.
Not that I would like him to sit (except for on the toilet!!), but he doesn't listen. He doesn't take advice, however wellmeaning. When I tell him that coffee is the worst you could drink when you have a stomach flu, guess what he does? Yes exactly. He gears up the coffee machine.
When I tell him that if he wants to drink Coke, he should get the bubbles out first, guess what? Yes, he opens the bottle and downs it in one gulp.
Secretly I think he likes his stomach flu, and would like to maintain it for as long as possible. Why else wouldn't he listen?
PS. Blueberry soup is the best if you have a "nervous stomach". You can get it at the IKEA shop.
First taste, then buy
Think I mentioned before that since my old wine-delivery guy left the company, I have only purchased a little and of wine I knew before. Now it's time to get delivery guy to work, and come over here and offer me a tasting session.
Somehow think I will have difficulties in deciding tonight...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My new love
A good friend gave me a present today, Paul Potts "One chance". For those of you who missed his debut, here it is again:
Paul, you're a star.
Screw object
Banks, they're all consisting of greedy bastards who try to screw their customers. Trust me on this one, I've had a few. They see a customer as a potential screwing object, and I'm not talking about the good meaning of screw here.
I am not referring to the current so called financial crisis (yeah, did companies really do that much worse overnight?...duh). I'm talking about bad advice, and when the shit hits the fan they are not responsible. Guess who is? Me, we, you, the customers. But we only turned to them in the first place because they're supposed to be the experts? Which they incidentally charge us a handsome amount for.
I think it's like being a weather forecast person. You're wrong half the time, but you still get paid a lot for it.
But this one I'm fighting. And as said, nothing to do with the falling stock market.
Final destination
Outing to suburbia
So what to do? Well isn't it obvious? Find the nearest bar. And to our great surprise there actually was one. I think we were the happening of the day. And equally surprising there wasn't an outdoor toilet, but a self-cleaning one! Together with a printed menu (very reasonable prices, and something that Zürich definitely could learn from!) and some what I thought to be plastic flowers, but now on the pic I see water. Great trick!
Cold and flu
Monday, October 27, 2008
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