Thursday, October 30, 2008

Public transportation

Was quite pissed this morning waiting for the bus 25 min! The bus is supposed to go every 5 min in rush hour, but an apparently unexpected snowfall put a stop to transportation. Big surprise to anybody who hadn't read the weather forecast. So not only was I pissed, I was pissed on. By snowy-rain. Finally at my destination half an hour later than usual I felt a need to write to the Zurich transportation people to express my dissatisfaction. Mind you, I had calmed down a bit before sending the email so didn't really say what I meant (like fuck off you idiots, who cannot predict that more people use public transportation when it's bad weather), but was more inquiring whether they would consider extra buses/trams/trains when weather conditions so indicated. This is the answer: "For the VBZ it is clear, that if the weather is so bad, people use more often public transport. Extra busses were in rush hour, because of the individual car traffic. There were a lot of accidents, too. The public work services as well as the VBZ were not able to do their work because of many reasons. Of course, the VBZ shoult give the passengers all information about the desturbances and this point was not done well. For that we are very sorry. Such bad weather do we have not very often and for that, we cannot buy many new busses, which are just in use one or twko days a year. For the extra busses, we take the old busses, which we have in a high amonut. This day will be discussed by the VBZ and the other puplic transports. All details will we valued and they decide, what has to be done better next time. We hope, in future you will not have such a long time to go to work and we wish you a nice evening. Best Regards. ZVV Contact". This is the moment I go mellow. Somebody who cannot speak English fluently (much less spell it) takes the trouble to answer the same day. I cannot be angry anymore. Communication rules!


Anonymous said...

'public transport'
ha ha, I suggest you dont ever try and get a bus in the UK

Witchbitch said...

One gets used to punctuality in Switzerland.