Monday, October 06, 2008

Geneva rules

Not that I've ever been to Geneva (only been in Switzerland 6 years!), but when reading an article today I think I must go. Geneva implemented the non-smoking policy in bars and restaurants some half year ago. However, it turned out to be not strictly according to protocol. Some minor flaw in the legalese, and too short time for places to have a chance to implement. Therefore they have now gone back to good ol' smoking again. Before they can implement it once more, they have to do another vote and again give time to bars and restaurants to prepare. Next time it'll be smoke-forbidden is around 2011. I tell ya. Geneva rules!


Anonymous said...

And imagine, Geneva beeing home to WHO.......

Witchbitch said...

But ze Swiss rules come first :)

Anonymous said...

gees, how come the Swiss can make this so complicated when everywhere else in the world they just do it. I mean whats to 'implement'? removal of ashtrays?

Witchbitch said...

They have to allow for time so that the establishments can choose to build "fumoirs". Nice, huh?