Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cold and flu

Been having a bad cold the last couple of days, while SBN has developed a stomach flu. Why am I never that lucky? It’s a great way of losing weight, by losing appetite and spend most of your time on the toilet. Heard from a Welsh guy about this tapeworm inducing tablet, which I shall give considerable thought. Only, the bit where you have to remove it doesn’t really appeal to me. I wonder if this is a Welsh thing?


Anonymous said...

ugh, I think I'd rather be fat

Witchbitch said...

You're not fat! But agree that the thought is appealing. Eat everything in sight, and have the worm get rid of it for you.

Anonymous said...

ah, I'm not saying I am fat - just if I had a choice between fat and THAT I think I'd pick fat. luckily they're not the only two choices

Witchbitch said...
