Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween II

Quite happy with my purchase for tomorrows party actually. Shows I made an effort. They don't need to know it only cost 15 CHF and took 5 mins to buy.


Anonymous said...

'Halloween II'
come on, thats the exact opposite of making an effort!

Witchbitch said...

I know, I'm not very good at sewing costumes. Nobody will care after the first drink anyway.

Anonymous said...

eek, no, you dont have to sew to make an effort with a costume, but yes I think you're right - its anyway unlikely to be worth it, and my experience is the Swiss arent much chop at costumes

Witchbitch said...

Thing is party is held by an English woman who even has imported decoration stuff and bought costumes. Ah well, I have some scary black clothes at home, including gloves with skeletons on!