Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Outing to suburbia

SBN and I were visiting of friend of mine far far away from Zürich on Saturday, in fact so far that we had to go through part of Germany and then back into Switzerland to get there. The downside is that public transportation is scarce, and going back we had to get a lift to the nearest train station. When approaching we saw the train ride away back to civilization. Shoot.
So what to do? Well isn't it obvious? Find the nearest bar. And to our great surprise there actually was one. I think we were the happening of the day. And equally surprising there wasn't an outdoor toilet, but a self-cleaning one! Together with a printed menu (very reasonable prices, and something that Zürich definitely could learn from!) and some what I thought to be plastic flowers, but now on the pic I see water. Great trick!


Anonymous said...

you seem to have a thing about pictures of toilets

Witchbitch said...

Yes, weird ain't it?