Friday, January 19, 2007


Have played this week. I believe that 23 million euro is at stake. Which made me dream a little bit...what would I do if I won? First of all, I would buy a LARGE flat close to Zürich city. 200-300 m2 would be nice with lots of guest rooms for my friends. Luxurious design of course, open space, fireplace, marble, wooden floors, huge terrace, the works. And of course a summer house in Spain. I would employ Putz-Peter to take care of cleaning etc. I would send tickets to my friends whenever they wanted to come visit. I would give more to charity. I would definitely fly business or first when travelling. I would get a personal shopper, so that I didn't have to bother. Ever again. I would have my hair done more often. I would get a wine-cellar. I would invest in people with good business ideas. I would have a birthday party EVERY year. Give me some time, and I'm sure I will think of more... PS. What would you do?


Anonymous said...


The first thought I had - that more or less jumps into my face (German saying) - is I'd never go to work as I used to go but practicing my music lessons, having gigs, meet a lot people around the world....etc. ................than I think about supporting other people.....may be not that fair...however in that case I come first.....

Who else is in the position admit ?!??!

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

Yes, ME first is my motto too.

And as I've been told I already have a personal shopper. This is true, and she's very good. But with 23 M euro I would pay her for her work.