Friday, January 19, 2007


I have a lovely landlord. He must be closing in on 80 soon, but still he is working (well, officially not, but always available when you have a problem). Haven't had a reason to contact him for a few years, since everything in my flat has been working, but now the window in flatmates bedroom has broken in terms of flying open by itself when windy outside, despite being closed. As well as the blind outside the window being "funny". So instead of calling the maintenance company I called him this afternoon. He showed up just now, after 6 pm on a Friday evening. Service? Absolutely. The window in the toilet has also been annoying me. When it's windy outside it sorta flaps, making a noise. Boom-boom-bang-bang. Highly irritating. So landlord climbed up on the toilet, borrowed my screwdriver (YES, I have one!) and fixed it. Himself. If only any of my (male?) guests would have thought of it, it's been like that for a long time :) I like people who take responsibility. And this guy does. And has so for 53 years he told me, that's how long he was officially working! He reminds me of the owner of IKEA, who's sorta the same. Cost-conscious (or cheap some would say), financially secure, and with a passion for what he does. For them a promise is a promise is a promise. Me like!

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