Sunday, January 21, 2007


So after the fiasco of trying to feed the zzfioihateyouarhjiuahrtseiuh birds I was walking back into town. Realizing that my usual place actually provides music on Sunday afternoons. And yes, it's a fantastically good idea to go there, having had no food at all previously, and then order x cl of wine. I can recommend it. At least it'll give you readers something to laugh about :) So did. Only, Sunday afternoons give you middle-aged to old to very old people. They come there to dance, to listen to ( know, ein Prosit type of thing) music. Which made me think of my age. I figure myself to be pretty normal, looking at good-looking guys, guys who has the ability to speak about all sorts of things, guys who can dance. Well, when I looked around this afternoon I saw middle-aged women. With older men. Hello grandpa! I am also middle-aged. This scared the f... out of me, I tell you. Is this my market these days? I refuse to accept this. No way I'm gonna settle for a grey-haired guy with his best years behind him. NO WAY! Mental note to oneself: must drink more, stand in front of the mirror repeating: I am babe, I am young, I am good-looking :)


Anonymous said...


Just DON'T go Sunday afternoon to that place :-))

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

Ah ok, is that an alternative :) ??

Anonymous said...


Obviously with regard to the average age that time a day:-))

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

You may have a point...on the other hand it's a good time to feel young. Like my grandfather used to say: "do it while you're still young". Everything is relative...