Friday, January 26, 2007


I really need to sleep now. Having been up at 6 in the morning. A busy day. I actually ate also. Cauliflower with cheese, and a leftover spare-rib. Sometime in the afternoon. And chocolate and vanilla cream (Coop) dessert. It was good. It's not like I do not eat every day, but I have difficulty with eating on certain times. I have heard of people eating morning, midday and evening. Regular times. I am not one of them. I basically eat when I'm hungry and when I have time. Sometimes I have a lot of time...


Anonymous said...

Oh du, armes kleines Mäuschen!

Mir kommen gerade die Tränen, wenn ich diese Zeilen lesen!!
Von nun an werde ich dir die Hälfte meiner Banane, der Birne oder des Bortes bzw. die Hälfte von dem, was ich gerade esse, anbieten, damit du nicht mehr mangels der Zeit verhungerst und nach kurzer Zeit so aussiehst wie ich: dünn und abgemagert!!!


Witchbitch said...

Not sure I could survive on fruit. Besides I don't wanna lose my curves :)