Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Was thinking about this guy from yesterday. Why is it that men are so insensitive? They seem to think that just because I'm talking to a guy, that I also am gagging for "it". Don't men feel when women are not attracted to them? Isn't it obvious? When did talking become equal to wanting sex? Or perhaps it is the way of ze Swiss men :)??


Anonymous said...

in my experience this is the way of most men. Some how their arrogance outweighs any logical deduction from the statements 'I'm not interested', 'I have a boyfriend' etc because the mere fact that you're talking to them cancels that out - you must be keen, and a little persistence and charm will bring you 'round.
and well, I guess it must work for them sometimes

Witchbitch said...

I suspect you're right, was just having a go at ze Swiss...and yes, some of them can be really persistent! Not so sure about the charm though :)

Anonymous said...

ah, yes, i meant their idea of charm, which is known to us as pestering

Witchbitch said...

Again, great minds think alike...hmmm...women...salt of the earth :)