Thursday, February 08, 2007


It doesn't surprise me the least bit what this Nowak woman did. Who is now charged with attempted murder. That is my experience with all really well-educated people. They spend so much time studying and being focused on a particular subject, that they don't really get to experience what we "normal" people come across. Like shopping, like living, like having an evening in just watching telly, like going to dinner with friends, dealing with domestic problems like trying to find an ironing board cover :)...stuff like that. What we refer to as "life". But I feel sad for her. She's now confronted with public opinion. And they aren't showing any mercy. Downhill from here for her I suspect...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you wrote that for a reaction, but not being one to disappoint...
gimme a fucking break!!! being well educated explains wearing a nappy (and presumably using it) to avoid toilet breaks while driving half way across a country to attack some woman with pepper spray?
your 'experience with all really well-educated people' my arse! I'm insulted

Witchbitch said...

Ah goody. I had you in mind when writing it...;) Am so proud that you reacted! You go girl...

Anonymous said...

In defense of myself and my over-educated brethren, I'd just like to point out that I went shopping and then spent an evening in just watching telly only last night, I often go to dinner with friends and like it and even though I havent had problems trying to find an ironing board cover yet, its only because the cover that came with my ironing board is still in perfectly good condition thank-you (although probably due to lack of use). This is clearly because I am so intelligent I could become over-educated without having spend so much of my time studying (ha!) and thus had time for all normal activities and so am a well-adjusted, non-wig and trench coat wearing, non pepper-spray and BB-gun wielding academic. Just like most of my colleagues. Also, I'm not American and didnt attend a Naval academy, factors which would make anyone significantly more likely to go loopy.

Witchbitch said...

And you will go to great length in proving me wrong :)