Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Where would I be without my friends to help me with this confusing Swiss world? Since the last guy couldn't help with the boat, I had to finally contact some professionals. Only, my friend called for me. It's too confusing trying to explain something I hardly understand to a Swiss person, who doesn't speak English. So now I got all the details I have to provide in order for them to give me an offer. Like weight of the boat, what needs to be repaired, how it looks underneath (how I am supposed to know, it's always been in water!), what type of coating is underneath (same here!) etc etc. Had to give previous owner a ring. Fortunately he's a real boatman and had the answers. He was also happy to hear how much I enjoyed the boat last summer. Anyway, email's gone off now. Story for sure to be cont'd. Have a feeling this won't be easy. PS. If there is one reason to get oneself a man, this is it!

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